Celestial Command - Romenics


We are happy to introduce, probably the most significant update during entire development of Celestial Command.

Despite the fact that this update have a version 0.8, this is only a first update in sequence. New game mode is made on more than 50%, but still quite raw. For now we decided to release it as soon as possible in order to show you an idea, but during next few updates we will add more and more significant improvements in this mode.

First of all, we want to explain why we decided to implement this new game mode despite the fact than during entire development we advertised a game, as a space game without "unrealistic liquid space".

Orbital mechanics in the current state causes a lot of technical restriction in the game. The concept when absolutely everything in constant movement it is very unusual concept for game development. Both in technical and gameplay terms.

Such gameplay have very complex learning curve, however, many users definitely like other features of Celestial Command, such as ship construction, trading, combat, but don't like how movement works.
In orbital space, such terms as "distances" or "locations" is very unobvious and hard to understand.

So we decided to implement a mode which will bring more classic gameplay using existed functionality of the game.
So in this game mode, terms of distances, enemy bases and locations is much more familiar for users.
Besides that, performance is much better, there is thousand of asteroids and almost hundred of space stations can work with good FPS.

Plus, this game mode allows us to implement some new features which impossible in orbital mode, for example, path finding, it means that now it will be possible to encounter a NPC traders or pirates which will really travel across the world and they will avoid all obstacles (this feature not implemented yet, but will be added in the next few updates)

However, we do not have intentions to make the game "casual". Physics still much more complex than in most classic space games.
In this game mode, mass of the ship (and cargo) have very significant impact on acceleration and maximum velocity, and also on fuel consumption.
In such game mode it is very interesting to find a proper balance between amount of cargo, size of the ship, amount of fuel, consumption of fuel, desired velocity etc.
In the next update we will improve a physics so size of the ship and its shape will affect its maximum velocity.

Important to note, we do not abandon development of orbital mode. Furthermore, many improvements of one game mode, instantly available in another mode. This is possible due flexible architecture which is based on the single core.
Aerodynamic mode may even help to test new features and gameplay approaches in stable environment, before it will be added into orbital mode. Which is much more complex to develop new features.

Also we want to remind that you can discuss an update and communicate with us about everything in our Discord chat.


  • Added brand new game mode with aerodynamic physics
  • New game mode: Added exhaust effect for small engines which is good for visualization of velocity and "sense of speed"
  • New game mode: Added speedometer on the interface which shows velocity of active ship
  • New game mode: Interface buttons which have sense only in orbital mode (such as orbital grid and stabilize orbit) disabled in aerodynamic mode
  • New game mode: Added moons around a planets
  • New game mode: Added new asteroids belt with many huge static asteroids and small dynamic asteroids which can be moved or destroyed.
  • Square grid now have small grids up to 100 meters which is also important for visualization of velocity
  • Small asteroids now have bigger size and now they have 8 sectors with resources. Asteroids will be destroyed when all 8 sectors will be depleted. This feature adds more sense to special ships which have several mining lasers around asteroid
  • Asteroids now have different HP based on its size
  • Significant optimization of core which improves a performance in several times. Loading of games and ships now much faster.
  • Localization files updated, thanks for this for community
Celestial Command - Romenics

We are happy to introduce, probably the most significant update during entire development of Celestial Command.

Despite the fact that this update have a version 0.8, this is only a first update in sequence. New game mode is made on more than 50%, but still quite raw. For now we decided to release it as soon as possible in order to show you an idea, but during next few updates we will add more and more significant improvements in this mode.

First of all, we want to explain why we decided to implement this new game mode despite the fact than during entire development we advertised a game, as a space game without "unrealistic liquid space".

Orbital mechanics in the current state causes a lot of technical restriction in the game. The concept when absolutely everything in constant movement it is very unusual concept for game development. Both in technical and gameplay terms.

Such gameplay have very complex learning curve, however, many users definitely like other features of Celestial Command, such as ship construction, trading, combat, but don't like how movement works.
In orbital space, such terms as "distances" or "locations" is very unobvious and hard to understand.

So we decided to implement a mode which will bring more classic gameplay using existed functionality of the game.
So in this game mode, terms of distances, enemy bases and locations is much more familiar for users.
Besides that, performance is much better, there is thousand of asteroids and almost hundred of space stations can work with good FPS.

Plus, this game mode allows us to implement some new features which impossible in orbital mode, for example, path finding, it means that now it will be possible to encounter a NPC traders or pirates which will really travel across the world and they will avoid all obstacles (this feature not implemented yet, but will be added in the next few updates)

However, we do not have intentions to make the game "casual". Physics still much more complex than in most classic space games.
In this game mode, mass of the ship (and cargo) have very significant impact on acceleration and maximum velocity, and also on fuel consumption.
In such game mode it is very interesting to find a proper balance between amount of cargo, size of the ship, amount of fuel, consumption of fuel, desired velocity etc.
In the next update we will improve a physics so size of the ship and its shape will affect its maximum velocity.

Important to note, we do not abandon development of orbital mode. Furthermore, many improvements of one game mode, instantly available in another mode. This is possible due flexible architecture which is based on the single core.
Aerodynamic mode may even help to test new features and gameplay approaches in stable environment, before it will be added into orbital mode. Which is much more complex to develop new features.

Also we want to remind that you can discuss an update and communicate with us about everything in our Discord chat.


  • Added brand new game mode with aerodynamic physics
  • New game mode: Added exhaust effect for small engines which is good for visualization of velocity and "sense of speed"
  • New game mode: Added speedometer on the interface which shows velocity of active ship
  • New game mode: Interface buttons which have sense only in orbital mode (such as orbital grid and stabilize orbit) disabled in aerodynamic mode
  • New game mode: Added moons around a planets
  • New game mode: Added new asteroids belt with many huge static asteroids and small dynamic asteroids which can be moved or destroyed.
  • Square grid now have small grids up to 100 meters which is also important for visualization of velocity
  • Small asteroids now have bigger size and now they have 8 sectors with resources. Asteroids will be destroyed when all 8 sectors will be depleted. This feature adds more sense to special ships which have several mining lasers around asteroid
  • Asteroids now have different HP based on its size
  • Significant optimization of core which improves a performance in several times. Loading of games and ships now much faster.
  • Localization files updated, thanks for this for community
Celestial Command - Romenics


We noticed that current state of save / load functionality works not exactly how we want. It is important feature so we decided to improve it.

So now if you will encounter a bug or just a complex situation, it should not be a problem to load previously saved game and progress will not be lost due flaw in save / load function.

Check the changelog for more details.

Also we want to remind that you can discuss an update and communicate with us about everything in our Discord chat.


  • Now you can save the game with specified name (not just overwrite the current one)
  • When you click on existed saved file in "save" menu, its name will be automatically inserted in the input field of name
  • Added warning window which will inform you if you trying to overwrite existed save file and offer an option (Back / Overwrite)
  • Now auto save generates up to 9 saved files (instead of just 1 file which is constantly rewritten)
  • Added button "Load" in game menu, so now you can load a game right during existed game
  • Added "loading screen" which appears during loading
  • Added button "Open folder with saved files" which located in save / load window (works only on Windows platform)
  • Entire save / load window is redesigned
  • Now when you going to load a game, multiplayer checkbox is disabled by default
  • Button "Contribute to localization" now opens URL in your internet browser instead of Steam overlay

  • Fixed an important bug which caused an error when you tried to save the game
  • Fixed an error with incorrect captured image of saved ship in "saved ships" menu
  • Fixed an error in station's docking AI
Celestial Command - Romenics

We noticed that current state of save / load functionality works not exactly how we want. It is important feature so we decided to improve it.

So now if you will encounter a bug or just a complex situation, it should not be a problem to load previously saved game and progress will not be lost due flaw in save / load function.

Check the changelog for more details.

Also we want to remind that you can discuss an update and communicate with us about everything in our Discord chat.


  • Now you can save the game with specified name (not just overwrite the current one)
  • When you click on existed saved file in "save" menu, its name will be automatically inserted in the input field of name
  • Added warning window which will inform you if you trying to overwrite existed save file and offer an option (Back / Overwrite)
  • Now auto save generates up to 9 saved files (instead of just 1 file which is constantly rewritten)
  • Added button "Load" in game menu, so now you can load a game right during existed game
  • Added "loading screen" which appears during loading
  • Added button "Open folder with saved files" which located in save / load window (works only on Windows platform)
  • Entire save / load window is redesigned
  • Now when you going to load a game, multiplayer checkbox is disabled by default
  • Button "Contribute to localization" now opens URL in your internet browser instead of Steam overlay

  • Fixed an important bug which caused an error when you tried to save the game
  • Fixed an error with incorrect captured image of saved ship in "saved ships" menu
  • Fixed an error in station's docking AI
Celestial Command - Romenics


We are continuing to work on critical bug fixes and important improvements.

In previous update we added important feature, orbital grid, but it was too hidden. Now it is available on the main interface.

We made important change in structure of the ships. Construction of additional command modules on the same ship is no longer possible. Despite the fact that this changes does not bring new features, however It solves a lot of bugs with multiple command modules and also it will help to avoid some game design issues in the future updates where we will add ship specializations and skills for crew members.

Another important feature, you no longer need to guess how much ships you have. New window with list of all ships will allow to easily manage them. Now it is not a problem to switch control between miner and combat ships, for example. Also, renaming of ships now much more comfortable.

Also we made small, but important improvement, added new sound effect for module placement. Previously sound effect was too long and high frequency. Now it is much nicer and makes construction more comfortable.


  • Now 1 ship may have only 1 command module
  • You no longer can deconstruct or remove a command module which have a crew inside
  • Now you can focus view on planets with Alt + Click
  • GUI: Added interface which shows a list of owned ships
  • GUI: Added button "Show orbital grid for current planet" on the main interface
  • GUI: Now when you hold left Alt, you will see a tooltip near a cursor
  • GUI: Ship rename window a bit redesigned and now it can be dragged with cursor
  • GUI: Now you can confirm new ship name with Enter button
  • GUI: Now when you press "rename ship", appeared input field already will contain current ship name and you can enter a new name without clicking on input field
  • GUI: Now will see a notification if one of your command modules will be destroyed
  • Audio: Replaced audio effects for module placement and placement error
  • Audio: Added audio effect when you rotate preview of module
  • NPC: Two pirate ships has been updated (files sent by user Lemodile)
  • Localization updated

  • Audio: Fixed a situation when sometimes audio effects of interface can be played only in left or right speaker
  • Fixed various bugs with incorrect list of owned ships
  • Fixed previous / next ship button
  • Now you can select and click on mounting points properly
  • Now when you switch control to another ship, the camera will not drift away and also, camera position will be centered to this ship
  • Now construction drones will properly receive construction order when you going to build a module on docked ship

Celestial Command - Romenics

We are continuing to work on critical bug fixes and important improvements.

In previous update we added important feature, orbital grid, but it was too hidden. Now it is available on the main interface.

We made important change in structure of the ships. Construction of additional command modules on the same ship is no longer possible. Despite the fact that this changes does not bring new features, however It solves a lot of bugs with multiple command modules and also it will help to avoid some game design issues in the future updates where we will add ship specializations and skills for crew members.

Another important feature, you no longer need to guess how much ships you have. New window with list of all ships will allow to easily manage them. Now it is not a problem to switch control between miner and combat ships, for example. Also, renaming of ships now much more comfortable.

Also we made small, but important improvement, added new sound effect for module placement. Previously sound effect was too long and high frequency. Now it is much nicer and makes construction more comfortable.


  • Now 1 ship may have only 1 command module
  • You no longer can deconstruct or remove a command module which have a crew inside
  • Now you can focus view on planets with Alt + Click
  • GUI: Added interface which shows a list of owned ships
  • GUI: Added button "Show orbital grid for current planet" on the main interface
  • GUI: Now when you hold left Alt, you will see a tooltip near a cursor
  • GUI: Ship rename window a bit redesigned and now it can be dragged with cursor
  • GUI: Now you can confirm new ship name with Enter button
  • GUI: Now when you press "rename ship", appeared input field already will contain current ship name and you can enter a new name without clicking on input field
  • GUI: Now will see a notification if one of your command modules will be destroyed
  • Audio: Replaced audio effects for module placement and placement error
  • Audio: Added audio effect when you rotate preview of module
  • NPC: Two pirate ships has been updated (files sent by user Lemodile)
  • Localization updated

  • Audio: Fixed a situation when sometimes audio effects of interface can be played only in left or right speaker
  • Fixed various bugs with incorrect list of owned ships
  • Fixed previous / next ship button
  • Now you can select and click on mounting points properly
  • Now when you switch control to another ship, the camera will not drift away and also, camera position will be centered to this ship
  • Now construction drones will properly receive construction order when you going to build a module on docked ship
Celestial Command - Romenics


In this update we added quite simple, but seems like very important feature.
Now you can select planet and click appeared button which will display a special radial grid around the planet.

Why it is so important?
In space, it is hard to understand velocity of your ship. Velocity is a relative term. When we see a moving car, we can compare its velocity with the ground or other environment.
But there is no too much environment in the space, so in most cases there is nothing to compare velocity with.
So what to do in such situation?

Grids is the most obvious solution, but what if ships constantly moving on orbit? Grid will be static and ship will continuously move above the grid. This will not help to understood velocity of the ship.

In this case, we have an idea of something which can be called "orbital radial grid".
It is just a group of thin radial grids and each of them rotates around planet with the orbital speed.
So you may keep your ship in the grid cell if you wish to keep circular orbit. Or move your ship along circle of the grid if you wish to bypass planet around.

Now it should be much easier to understand how to move your ship in this game.

Besides that, we fixed some unpleasant flaws with cargo containers. Full details in change log.


  • Containers: Now when amount of content in container less than 1, you will see unrounded value on its icon
  • Containers: Now when amount of content in container more than 100, value on its icon will be rounded to 1, instead of 0.1, so power storages no longer flicker with its fractional number
  • Containers: Now in interface of containers you can see unrounded amount of its content
  • Containers: Now various devices which consumes resources from storages, no longer will leave some very small amount of content (such as 0.0000001 fuel or energy), instead of that, container will become completely empty
  • Trading: Timer "Prices will be updated in" returned back to trading window and now displayed as a text, not as a progress bar
  • Trading: Added on hover tooltip for columns in trading window
  • Localization: Added missing localization for categories in options

  • Fixed the problem when you sometimes can't hide preview of module by right click (and also can't place waypoint for your ship)
  • You no longer will receive a message "mining laser deactivated due lack of free cargo space" if laser is not belong to you
  • Fixed broken localization for Russian language
  • GUI label with mining rate of mining laser now displayed only for own ships (no longer displayed for ships which does not belongs to you)
  • Now cargo can be moved between containers even if in second contain not enough space for all cargo (only a small part of cargo will be moved)
  • Fixed "start server" tool tip on some fields in options
  • Fixed missing "auto save interval" text value
  • "Contribute in Localization" changed to "Contribute to Localization"

Celestial Command - Romenics


In this update we added quite simple, but seems like very important feature.
Now you can select planet and click appeared button which will display a special radial grid around the planet.

Why it is so important?
In space, it is hard to understand velocity of your ship. Velocity is a relative term. When we see a moving car, we can compare its velocity with the ground or other environment.
But there is no too much environment in the space, so in most cases there is nothing to compare velocity with.
So what to do in such situation?

Grids is the most obvious solution, but what if ships constantly moving on orbit? Grid will be static and ship will continuously move above the grid. This will not help to understood velocity of the ship.

In this case, we have an idea of something which can be called "orbital radial grid".
It is just a group of thin radial grids and each of them rotates around planet with the orbital speed.
So you may keep your ship in the grid cell if you wish to keep circular orbit. Or move your ship along circle of the grid if you wish to bypass planet around.

Now it should be much easier to understand how to move your ship in this game.

Besides that, we fixed some unpleasant flaws with cargo containers. Full details in change log.


  • Containers: Now when amount of content in container less than 1, you will see unrounded value on its icon
  • Containers: Now when amount of content in container more than 100, value on its icon will be rounded to 1, instead of 0.1, so power storages no longer flicker with its fractional number
  • Containers: Now in interface of containers you can see unrounded amount of its content
  • Containers: Now various devices which consumes resources from storages, no longer will leave some very small amount of content (such as 0.0000001 fuel or energy), instead of that, container will become completely empty
  • Trading: Timer "Prices will be updated in" returned back to trading window and now displayed as a text, not as a progress bar
  • Trading: Added on hover tooltip for columns in trading window
  • Localization: Added missing localization for categories in options

  • Fixed the problem when you sometimes can't hide preview of module by right click (and also can't place waypoint for your ship)
  • You no longer will receive a message "mining laser deactivated due lack of free cargo space" if laser is not belong to you
  • Fixed broken localization for Russian language
  • GUI label with mining rate of mining laser now displayed only for own ships (no longer displayed for ships which does not belongs to you)
  • Now cargo can be moved between containers even if in second contain not enough space for all cargo (only a small part of cargo will be moved)
  • Fixed "start server" tool tip on some fields in options
  • Fixed missing "auto save interval" text value
  • "Contribute in Localization" changed to "Contribute to Localization"
Celestial Command - Romenics


In this update we didn't managed to prepare some new features, only a few important fixes which took more time than we expected, mostly with multiplayer, so it is no longer broken and you can fly, mine and construct ships with friends.
However quests and AI still can work incorrectly in multiplayer.

Also, adaptive scale of interface for high-resolution monitors is temporary disabled until we figure out what wrong with drop-down menu.


  • Multiplayer: Fixed important bug which caused very significant lags in multiplayer games. Now lags is much less noticeable.
  • Multiplayer: Now server will not lose ownership over its ship after someone connect to server
  • Multiplayer: When you docked to ship of another user, you no longer able to detach his modules and control resource connectors
  • Fixed "news" buttons in main menu
  • Fixed mistake with upper case symbols in world generation window
  • Fixed empty input field at world generation window
  • Fixed empty drop down menus

Celestial Command - Romenics

In this update we didn't managed to prepare some new features, only a few important fixes which took more time than we expected, mostly with multiplayer, so it is no longer broken and you can fly, mine and construct ships with friends.
However quests and AI still can work incorrectly in multiplayer.

Also, adaptive scale of interface for high-resolution monitors is temporary disabled until we figure out what wrong with drop-down menu.


  • Multiplayer: Fixed important bug which caused very significant lags in multiplayer games. Now lags is much less noticeable.
  • Multiplayer: Now server will not lose ownership over its ship after someone connect to server
  • Multiplayer: When you docked to ship of another user, you no longer able to detach his modules and control resource connectors
  • Fixed "news" buttons in main menu
  • Fixed mistake with upper case symbols in world generation window
  • Fixed empty input field at world generation window
  • Fixed empty drop down menus

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