Apr 30, 2015
Prison Architect - sPray
A couple of months ago we announced that we are going to finish Prison Architect in 2015. We've been working hard to fulfil that promise and as a result of April's bug bash we're happy to pin that down further and confirm that Prison Architect will be released in quarter four (Oct / Nov / Dec) 2015!

The team have smashed the previous bug fix record and submitted over 130 fixes and whilst that means that we don't have a content update for you this month, we hope you appreciate the stability, speed and simulation quality of the new build. Normal service will resume next month and please continue to log any issues that you may discover.

In other news we are trying to build our facebook engagement so if you have a moment, please head over and like our page.

Here is our video demonstrating the new features:

Death Row continued:
- A new item in the TODO list shows you the current status of your Death Row prisoners (chance of clemency)
- New game over event : Criminal Miscarriage of Justice. Occurs if you execute an inmate who is later exonerated of the crime (Nb. Will not happen if you have reduced his chance of clemency below the legal threshold)

- The lawyer can now provide a last line of legal defense.
If you are on warning (Eg too many deaths in one day), and you fear you will not be able to meet the requirements to avoid being fired, you can use your Lawyer to avert the Game Over event.
Nb. Can only be used once.


The full list of bug fixes can be found here:
Apr 30, 2015
Prison Architect - Chris
A couple of months ago we announced that we are going to finish Prison Architect in 2015. We've been working hard to fulfil that promise and as a result of April's bug bash we're happy to pin that down further and confirm that Prison Architect will be released in quarter four (Oct / Nov / Dec) 2015!

The team have smashed the previous bug fix record and submitted over 130 fixes and whilst that means that we don't have a content update for you this month, we hope you appreciate the stability, speed and simulation quality of the new build. Normal service will resume next month and please continue to log any issues that you may discover.

In other news we are trying to build our facebook engagement so if you have a moment, please head over and like our page.

Here is our video demonstrating the new features:

Death Row continued:
- A new item in the TODO list shows you the current status of your Death Row prisoners (chance of clemency)
- New game over event : Criminal Miscarriage of Justice. Occurs if you execute an inmate who is later exonerated of the crime (Nb. Will not happen if you have reduced his chance of clemency below the legal threshold)

- The lawyer can now provide a last line of legal defense.
If you are on warning (Eg too many deaths in one day), and you fear you will not be able to meet the requirements to avoid being fired, you can use your Lawyer to avert the Game Over event.
Nb. Can only be used once.


The full list of bug fixes can be found here:
Mar 27, 2015
Prison Architect - sPray
Alpha 31 has been released! Here is our video demonstrating the new features:

New staff : The Lawyer
Unlocked in the usual way through Bureaucracy, and requires his own office.
The lawyer grants access to a variety of legal loopholes and new facilities for your prison.

- Minimum cell size removal
Prison Cells can be built to any size - they are no longer to obey the legal minimum
of 3x2 metres. Note they must still contain a bed and a toilet.

- Indeterminate sentences
Prisoners can now be assigned lockup or solitary confinement that remains in place
until you say otherwise. This is a massive breach of their human rights, but the Lawyer
will allow you to skirt the issue and do it anyway.

- Death Row
Opens up the opportunity and responsibility of executing prisoners sentenced to death.

Death row
To receive Death Row prisoners, you must:
- Unlock Death Row through the lawyer
- Build an execution facility - a room with an Electric chair, and chairs for the witnesses
- Build cells nearby and flag then as "Death Row Only" in the security deployment screen

Death Row prisoners will then begin show in your Intake screen - although they are quite rare.
They must stay in a Death Row designated cell, and they do not follow the regime.

- They are effectively locked down 24 hours a day, with two exceptions:
1. They can receive family visitors in Visitation
2. They can attend their Appeals process to try to have their sentences commuted.

- New program : Death row appeals process
Every Death Row prisoner has a chance to try to clear his name, or have his sentence commuted.
He will attend the appeals process, and each time has a chance to be released, or downgraded to max-sec.

- All Death Row prisoners have an estimated chance of clemency, visible in their Rap Sheet.
This represents your staff's best estimate at his chances at clemency.
Each time he fails the appeals process, his estimated chance of clemency is HALVED.
The more appeals you allow for a prisoner, the more certain you can be of his guilt.

Once you are satisfied a Prisoner has had sufficient chance to appeal, you may schedule an Execution.
This can be done from his Rap Sheet, and once begun it will take over your view until over.

A process must be followed for each execution:
- Prison lockdown : All prisoners return to their cells
- The chair is electrically tested, putting your prison under high electrical load.
In addition, the prisoner must be able to walk to the facility.
- Witnesses are escorted to the facility and will sit in seats provided, if available
- The Warden, the Chief, and the prisoners chosen Spiritual Leader will gather in the condemned man's Cell
- The prisoner will be escorted to the execution room, along with the Warden/Chief/Priest
- Execution
- The staff and witnesses are dismissed and may leave

Once completed, you will be given a report on the success or failure of your execution.
If justice was done, you will receive a $10,000 bonus for your work.

- WARNING: If you push ahead with an execution before sufficient appeals have occurred,
you will be held personally responsible if evidence comes to light which later exonerates the prisoner.
You will be fined $50,000 instantly.
The intake queue of Death Row prisoners will immediately empty.
In addition, any Death Row inmates within your facility will be immediately transfered away by bus.
If this happens 3 times, you will be fired.

NOTE: The state sanctioned "safe level" for chance of clemency is 5%.
In other words, if you wait until a prisoners clemency chance is below 5%, you will not be held liable
for any miscariages of justice that may later come to light.
Your Lawyer can raise this threshold to 10% if you instruct him to do so.

New room : Reception
An optional room, that gives Prisoners a dedicated arrival point (replacing Deliveries)
Once built, all new prisoner arrivals will go through this room.

- Prisoners must be escorted into the Reception room, then strip-searched. Any contraband will be found.
- They are then given fresh uniforms.
- Guards then escort them (still shackled) to their destination - either a cell or a holding cell.
- The process requires lots of available guards, but is much more secure than arrivals through Deliveries.

NOTE: The Laundry Logistics system will assign one of your laundries to handle the clean uniform requirements.

- Using the Bangup emergency option will no longer rapidly raise the 'temperature' of your prison.
However, having lots of prisoners shackled (in their cells or in solitary) will contribute to the 'temperature'.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed: The 'criminal negligence' failure case had become broken in alpha 30 - your avatar was not spawned correctly
- 0007974: [AI & Behaviour] Crash loading game with PhoneBooth redefined to be non-wired by a mod
- 0007967: [AI & Behaviour] Crash with prisoners unloading from prisoner bus
- 0007932: [AI & Behaviour] Guards not taking prisoners to (available) solitary cells

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Mar 27, 2015
Prison Architect - Chris
Alpha 31 has been released! Here is our video demonstrating the new features:

New staff : The Lawyer
Unlocked in the usual way through Bureaucracy, and requires his own office.
The lawyer grants access to a variety of legal loopholes and new facilities for your prison.

- Minimum cell size removal
Prison Cells can be built to any size - they are no longer to obey the legal minimum
of 3x2 metres. Note they must still contain a bed and a toilet.

- Indeterminate sentences
Prisoners can now be assigned lockup or solitary confinement that remains in place
until you say otherwise. This is a massive breach of their human rights, but the Lawyer
will allow you to skirt the issue and do it anyway.

- Death Row
Opens up the opportunity and responsibility of executing prisoners sentenced to death.

Death row
To receive Death Row prisoners, you must:
- Unlock Death Row through the lawyer
- Build an execution facility - a room with an Electric chair, and chairs for the witnesses
- Build cells nearby and flag then as "Death Row Only" in the security deployment screen

Death Row prisoners will then begin show in your Intake screen - although they are quite rare.
They must stay in a Death Row designated cell, and they do not follow the regime.

- They are effectively locked down 24 hours a day, with two exceptions:
1. They can receive family visitors in Visitation
2. They can attend their Appeals process to try to have their sentences commuted.

- New program : Death row appeals process
Every Death Row prisoner has a chance to try to clear his name, or have his sentence commuted.
He will attend the appeals process, and each time has a chance to be released, or downgraded to max-sec.

- All Death Row prisoners have an estimated chance of clemency, visible in their Rap Sheet.
This represents your staff's best estimate at his chances at clemency.
Each time he fails the appeals process, his estimated chance of clemency is HALVED.
The more appeals you allow for a prisoner, the more certain you can be of his guilt.

Once you are satisfied a Prisoner has had sufficient chance to appeal, you may schedule an Execution.
This can be done from his Rap Sheet, and once begun it will take over your view until over.

A process must be followed for each execution:
- Prison lockdown : All prisoners return to their cells
- The chair is electrically tested, putting your prison under high electrical load.
In addition, the prisoner must be able to walk to the facility.
- Witnesses are escorted to the facility and will sit in seats provided, if available
- The Warden, the Chief, and the prisoners chosen Spiritual Leader will gather in the condemned man's Cell
- The prisoner will be escorted to the execution room, along with the Warden/Chief/Priest
- Execution
- The staff and witnesses are dismissed and may leave

Once completed, you will be given a report on the success or failure of your execution.
If justice was done, you will receive a $10,000 bonus for your work.

- WARNING: If you push ahead with an execution before sufficient appeals have occurred,
you will be held personally responsible if evidence comes to light which later exonerates the prisoner.
You will be fined $50,000 instantly.
The intake queue of Death Row prisoners will immediately empty.
In addition, any Death Row inmates within your facility will be immediately transfered away by bus.
If this happens 3 times, you will be fired.

NOTE: The state sanctioned "safe level" for chance of clemency is 5%.
In other words, if you wait until a prisoners clemency chance is below 5%, you will not be held liable
for any miscariages of justice that may later come to light.
Your Lawyer can raise this threshold to 10% if you instruct him to do so.

New room : Reception
An optional room, that gives Prisoners a dedicated arrival point (replacing Deliveries)
Once built, all new prisoner arrivals will go through this room.

- Prisoners must be escorted into the Reception room, then strip-searched. Any contraband will be found.
- They are then given fresh uniforms.
- Guards then escort them (still shackled) to their destination - either a cell or a holding cell.
- The process requires lots of available guards, but is much more secure than arrivals through Deliveries.

NOTE: The Laundry Logistics system will assign one of your laundries to handle the clean uniform requirements.

- Using the Bangup emergency option will no longer rapidly raise the 'temperature' of your prison.
However, having lots of prisoners shackled (in their cells or in solitary) will contribute to the 'temperature'.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed: The 'criminal negligence' failure case had become broken in alpha 30 - your avatar was not spawned correctly
- 0007974: [AI & Behaviour] Crash loading game with PhoneBooth redefined to be non-wired by a mod
- 0007967: [AI & Behaviour] Crash with prisoners unloading from prisoner bus
- 0007932: [AI & Behaviour] Guards not taking prisoners to (available) solitary cells

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Feb 27, 2015
Prison Architect - sPray
Alpha 30 has been released!

Tablet versions!

We spent a lot of time this month working on the tablet versions of Prison Architect, and the game is now running very nicely indeed on iPads and Android. We will be starting beta testing on the tablet version very soon - sign up to our mailing list if you want to be a tablet tester.

As a result of the tablet focus this month, this alpha update is a touch lighter than usual, but we did find time to add some serious game updates for alpha 30. We hope you enjoy the new build - normal service will resume next month.

Prisoner Intake
You can now control the intake of inmates to your prison, via a new Intake report tab.
Use the controls to set an exact number of inmates you'd like to receive each day.
Any prisoners not accepted will accumulate in a pool, and can be brought in at a later date.
You can use the ratio sliders to alter which categories of prisoner you will receive.

NOTE: The ratio sliders affect which prisoners will be coming next from the pool,
but they ALSO affect which categories of prisoners will be added to your pool each day

- You now receive a one-off payment for each inmate you accept into your prison:
Minimum security : $300
Medium security : $500
Maximum security : $1000

- You now receive a fixed daily grant of $150 per prisoner, regardless of category

- Prisoners now arrive by bus, instead of on the back of a delivery truck

Parole (continued)
- The Warden and Chief are no longer required for Parole hearings.
The Parole program now uses a 'Parole Officer' and a 'Parole Lawyer', both of whom count as external staff
They will arrive on site to hold the parole hearing with a prisoner, and leave when it has completed.
This means you can now run as many parallel parole hearings as required.

- The $10,000 fine incurred if paroled prisoners re-offend has been removed.
The $3,000 bonus is still available, and can be won by paroling a prisoner who does not re-offend.
This can be a significant source of income, if you work to reduce the re-offending chances of your inmates through punishment and reform.

- The failure condition still exists: If 10 of your paroled prisoners re-offend, you will be placed on warning.
If 5 more paroled prisoners re-offend within the next 48 hours, you will be fired.

Wire Tidy Mode
If your wiring diagram is becoming too messy, you can now tidy up the layout using the new tool in Utilities: Tidy Wires.
Click on any Wired object to begin, then you can click on the wires to pin them into fixed positions.
You can click and drag pins around as you wish, and Right click on pins to remove them.

Grant cancellation
You can now cancel any Grant currently in progress, from the Reports/Grants window.
You will have to repay any money advanced as part of the grant, as well as a 10% fine.
The grant can be accepted again at a later date if you wish.
NOTE: Some grants cost you money to acccept, eg the Investment grants.
Cancelling these grants will REFUND the money you invested, but you will still pay a 10% fine.

- Prisoners in solitary confinement or locked-down in their own cells will now have meals brought to them
This should prevent prisoners starving to death in solitary.

- The Logistics/Jobs view now shows the qualification required to work in each room type
Eg the Workshop says "Required: Workshop safety induction"

- The range at which prisoners will surrender when shot at has been reduced from 6 squares to 4
And a maximum of 10 prisoners will now surrender per gun shot
This should stop huge crowds of rioting prisoners being defeated by a single gunshot

- Added new animations for prisoners exercising on a weights bench

- New toolbar icons for Intelligence, Dangers, 7 days/24 hours contraband, and Informants

- Prison Architect now uses significantly less memory, as a result of work done for iPad/Android

- Prisoners sent to solitary could sometimes end up stuck there forever
- Extreme performance glitch in the Laundry logistics system, if you had a single extremely large sector with lots (hundreds) of cells

- 0007880: [Control & User Interface] Easier canceling of "dismantle" and "dump"
- 0007864: [AI & Behaviour] guards escort dead prisoners to their cell
- 0006901: [AI & Behaviour] Workmen not installing certain small pipes
- 0004853: [Gameplay] Prisoner 'Home' set to Solitary
- 0006170: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoner keeps getting sent to solitary, can't break out of loop (causing starvation)
- 0007691: [Control & User Interface] "NO TEACHER" glitch when Editing Schedule for Programs

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Feb 27, 2015
Prison Architect - Chris
Alpha 30 has been released!

Tablet versions!

We spent a lot of time this month working on the tablet versions of Prison Architect, and the game is now running very nicely indeed on iPads and Android. We will be starting beta testing on the tablet version very soon - sign up to our mailing list if you want to be a tablet tester.

As a result of the tablet focus this month, this alpha update is a touch lighter than usual, but we did find time to add some serious game updates for alpha 30. We hope you enjoy the new build - normal service will resume next month.

Prisoner Intake
You can now control the intake of inmates to your prison, via a new Intake report tab.
Use the controls to set an exact number of inmates you'd like to receive each day.
Any prisoners not accepted will accumulate in a pool, and can be brought in at a later date.
You can use the ratio sliders to alter which categories of prisoner you will receive.

NOTE: The ratio sliders affect which prisoners will be coming next from the pool,
but they ALSO affect which categories of prisoners will be added to your pool each day

- You now receive a one-off payment for each inmate you accept into your prison:
Minimum security : $300
Medium security : $500
Maximum security : $1000

- You now receive a fixed daily grant of $150 per prisoner, regardless of category

- Prisoners now arrive by bus, instead of on the back of a delivery truck

Parole (continued)
- The Warden and Chief are no longer required for Parole hearings.
The Parole program now uses a 'Parole Officer' and a 'Parole Lawyer', both of whom count as external staff
They will arrive on site to hold the parole hearing with a prisoner, and leave when it has completed.
This means you can now run as many parallel parole hearings as required.

- The $10,000 fine incurred if paroled prisoners re-offend has been removed.
The $3,000 bonus is still available, and can be won by paroling a prisoner who does not re-offend.
This can be a significant source of income, if you work to reduce the re-offending chances of your inmates through punishment and reform.

- The failure condition still exists: If 10 of your paroled prisoners re-offend, you will be placed on warning.
If 5 more paroled prisoners re-offend within the next 48 hours, you will be fired.

Wire Tidy Mode
If your wiring diagram is becoming too messy, you can now tidy up the layout using the new tool in Utilities: Tidy Wires.
Click on any Wired object to begin, then you can click on the wires to pin them into fixed positions.
You can click and drag pins around as you wish, and Right click on pins to remove them.

Grant cancellation
You can now cancel any Grant currently in progress, from the Reports/Grants window.
You will have to repay any money advanced as part of the grant, as well as a 10% fine.
The grant can be accepted again at a later date if you wish.
NOTE: Some grants cost you money to acccept, eg the Investment grants.
Cancelling these grants will REFUND the money you invested, but you will still pay a 10% fine.

- Prisoners in solitary confinement or locked-down in their own cells will now have meals brought to them
This should prevent prisoners starving to death in solitary.

- The Logistics/Jobs view now shows the qualification required to work in each room type
Eg the Workshop says "Required: Workshop safety induction"

- The range at which prisoners will surrender when shot at has been reduced from 6 squares to 4
And a maximum of 10 prisoners will now surrender per gun shot
This should stop huge crowds of rioting prisoners being defeated by a single gunshot

- Added new animations for prisoners exercising on a weights bench

- New toolbar icons for Intelligence, Dangers, 7 days/24 hours contraband, and Informants

- Prison Architect now uses significantly less memory, as a result of work done for iPad/Android

- Prisoners sent to solitary could sometimes end up stuck there forever
- Extreme performance glitch in the Laundry logistics system, if you had a single extremely large sector with lots (hundreds) of cells

- 0007880: [Control & User Interface] Easier canceling of "dismantle" and "dump"
- 0007864: [AI & Behaviour] guards escort dead prisoners to their cell
- 0006901: [AI & Behaviour] Workmen not installing certain small pipes
- 0004853: [Gameplay] Prisoner 'Home' set to Solitary
- 0006170: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoner keeps getting sent to solitary, can't break out of loop (causing starvation)
- 0007691: [Control & User Interface] "NO TEACHER" glitch when Editing Schedule for Programs

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Prison Architect - sPray
Here's Prison Architect running on an iPad Air, and a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 :)

The tablet version of Prison Architect is coming along very nicely indeed, and we may soon be in a position to give away some free keys for playtesting.

If you are interested in taking part, please click here to sign up for the notifications.
Prison Architect - Chris
Here's Prison Architect running on an iPad Air, and a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 :)

The tablet version of Prison Architect is coming along very nicely indeed, and we may soon be in a position to give away some free keys for playtesting.

If you are interested in taking part, please click here to sign up for the notifications.
Jan 30, 2015
Prison Architect - sPray
Alpha 29 has been released! Here is our video demonstrating the new features:


All prisoners are now granted a parole hearing when they reach 50% of their sentence, and another at 75%.
To facilitate this you must build a Parole Room, and start the Parole Program.

- A parole hearing requires the Warden, the Chief, the inmate, and in the inmates lawyer.
- At the end of the hearing, the board will make a decision and the inmate may or may not be released early.
- The decision is based on their estimated re-offending chance (viewable in their rap sheet).
- Under the Policy tab there is a new slider that governs how lenient your parole board will be
- Inmates who are denied parole may become angry, and may even attack the parole board staff

- Financial rewards : If a prisoner is paroled early and does not re-offend, you will receive a bonus of $3,000.
If he does re-offend, you will be fined $10,000
This occurs the moment the prisoner leaves the map

- NOTE: Inmates must be able to navigate to the parole room. Eg Staff Only won't work.
- NOTE: Only one parole hearing can happen at a time, because the Warden and Chief must be present.
However you can have multiple parole rooms in different security zones,
and your Warden/Chief will move around as required.

- New failure condition : You will be fired if too many Wardens are killed in your prison
- New failure condition : You will be fired if too many paroled prisoners re-offend after early release

New room : Chapel
About one third of your new prisoners now have a Spirituality need
Build a Chapel (Multi-faith-prayer-room) to give them a place to pray.

- New furniture
Prayer mat

- New reform program : Spiritual guidance.
A religious leader from the community will visit your prison, and talk to your prisoners.
This will instill in them a sense of calm, which affects not only them but also those around them.
Prisoners may attend this program as many times as they wish.

New room : Library
Around one third of your new prisoners now have a desire to read books,
for education, curiosity and entertainment.

- New furniture
Library Bookshelves
Librarian's desk

- Boxes of used and donated books will be delivered to your prison once you have a library.
- Employ prisoners in the library to sort these boxes of books and place them on your shelves.
(Prisoners must have the "Foundation Education" qualification before they can perform this job)

- Prisoners can visit the library and borrow books.
- Prisoners will read in their spare time, wherever they are sitting - library/canteen/cell etc.
- Returned books must be re-sorted onto the shelves
- Books wear out and become ruined after a while, and more will be delivered

- Note: Boxes of used/donated books may be used to smuggle contraband into the prison, so plan accordingly

Parallel Deliveries
Trucks will now load and unload in parallel, so long as they are aligned with a Delivery/Exports/Garbage zone when they stop.
Extend your Deliveries zone vertically so you can unload 2 or 3 or even more trucks simultaniously.
Trucks now cope better with multiple Deliveries rooms (and Garbage/Exports rooms)
Trucks now move 50% faster

Mod warning window
Many prisons now use mods to enhance the game, adding furniture, materials, programs etc to the core game.
This causes problems when you attempt to load those prisons without the mods being enabled.
From now on, upon loading such a prison you will be shown a list of all mods that were used to make the prison
If these were Steam mods, you can easily click on each required mod and auto-magically download and activate it
If they were not steam mods, clicking the mod will open a browser to a URL where you can download the mod
Note: This will only work for prisons saved with alpha-29 or later

- World time index now stored in double precision
This only affects prisons that have been running for hundreds of game days
This caused visual bugs such as extremely jerky animation, slow moving particles etc

- Navigation improvements
- Entities will no longer attempt to navigate through "Remote Doors" that don't have a powered Servo attached,
as those doors cannot possibly be opened by anyone.

- Entities will wait at a locked door for 30 seconds. They will then attempt to find an alternative route.
This alternative route may well be longer, but will avoid the door they are stuck on.

- Fixed : Deployment scheduler doesn't always update live deployment (until end of hour)
Jan 30, 2015
Prison Architect - Chris
Alpha 29 has been released! Here is our video demonstrating the new features:


All prisoners are now granted a parole hearing when they reach 50% of their sentence, and another at 75%.
To facilitate this you must build a Parole Room, and start the Parole Program.

- A parole hearing requires the Warden, the Chief, the inmate, and in the inmates lawyer.
- At the end of the hearing, the board will make a decision and the inmate may or may not be released early.
- The decision is based on their estimated re-offending chance (viewable in their rap sheet).
- Under the Policy tab there is a new slider that governs how lenient your parole board will be
- Inmates who are denied parole may become angry, and may even attack the parole board staff

- Financial rewards : If a prisoner is paroled early and does not re-offend, you will receive a bonus of $3,000.
If he does re-offend, you will be fined $10,000
This occurs the moment the prisoner leaves the map

- NOTE: Inmates must be able to navigate to the parole room. Eg Staff Only won't work.
- NOTE: Only one parole hearing can happen at a time, because the Warden and Chief must be present.
However you can have multiple parole rooms in different security zones,
and your Warden/Chief will move around as required.

- New failure condition : You will be fired if too many Wardens are killed in your prison
- New failure condition : You will be fired if too many paroled prisoners re-offend after early release

New room : Chapel
About one third of your new prisoners now have a Spirituality need
Build a Chapel (Multi-faith-prayer-room) to give them a place to pray.

- New furniture
Prayer mat

- New reform program : Spiritual guidance.
A religious leader from the community will visit your prison, and talk to your prisoners.
This will instill in them a sense of calm, which affects not only them but also those around them.
Prisoners may attend this program as many times as they wish.

New room : Library
Around one third of your new prisoners now have a desire to read books,
for education, curiosity and entertainment.

- New furniture
Library Bookshelves
Librarian's desk

- Boxes of used and donated books will be delivered to your prison once you have a library.
- Employ prisoners in the library to sort these boxes of books and place them on your shelves.
(Prisoners must have the "Foundation Education" qualification before they can perform this job)

- Prisoners can visit the library and borrow books.
- Prisoners will read in their spare time, wherever they are sitting - library/canteen/cell etc.
- Returned books must be re-sorted onto the shelves
- Books wear out and become ruined after a while, and more will be delivered

- Note: Boxes of used/donated books may be used to smuggle contraband into the prison, so plan accordingly

Parallel Deliveries
Trucks will now load and unload in parallel, so long as they are aligned with a Delivery/Exports/Garbage zone when they stop.
Extend your Deliveries zone vertically so you can unload 2 or 3 or even more trucks simultaniously.
Trucks now cope better with multiple Deliveries rooms (and Garbage/Exports rooms)
Trucks now move 50% faster

Mod warning window
Many prisons now use mods to enhance the game, adding furniture, materials, programs etc to the core game.
This causes problems when you attempt to load those prisons without the mods being enabled.
From now on, upon loading such a prison you will be shown a list of all mods that were used to make the prison
If these were Steam mods, you can easily click on each required mod and auto-magically download and activate it
If they were not steam mods, clicking the mod will open a browser to a URL where you can download the mod
Note: This will only work for prisons saved with alpha-29 or later

- World time index now stored in double precision
This only affects prisons that have been running for hundreds of game days
This caused visual bugs such as extremely jerky animation, slow moving particles etc

- Navigation improvements
- Entities will no longer attempt to navigate through "Remote Doors" that don't have a powered Servo attached,
as those doors cannot possibly be opened by anyone.

- Entities will wait at a locked door for 30 seconds. They will then attempt to find an alternative route.
This alternative route may well be longer, but will avoid the door they are stuck on.

- Fixed : Deployment scheduler doesn't always update live deployment (until end of hour)

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