Oct 21, 2016
Folk Tale - GF


The primary changes include partial language support for German and Russian, Act II from start to finish for the Grublins (first pass), the Toadkin boss and behemoth battles, a new dungeon and several new critters.


Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Act II Grublin storyline now playable in entirety as a first-pass
Player: Bla’tu (Toadkin leader) boss battle encounter
Player: Mighty Rhog (Toadkin Behemoth) boss battle encounter
UI: Some layout reformatted to better support translated labels
UI: Settings: Game: Language setting added with partial support for German and Russian*
Maps: Campaign: Sunken Depths added (accessible from Bla’tu’s Temple)
Maps: Campaign: Bountiful Bog: Dr Murp’s added
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Crabs added to shoreline
Maps: Sandbox: Stinking Swamp: Kobold group near the kobold village now spawns less often
Editor: Workbench: Added Buff node to apply buffs to characters (needs json file lookup)
Editor: Workbench: Added CharacterScale node
Assets: Terrains: Swamp Ruins: Statue Trap - see notes
Assets: Characters: Mighty Rhog: Run removed, he was moving stupidly fast, abilities added
Assets: Characters: Grassland Animals: Added cave and gladiator crabs
Assets: Characters: Swamp Animals: Added scorpion
Assets: Characters: Grassland Animals: Added cave crab and gladiator crab
Assets: Characters: Piranha: Added environmental (non-attackable) hazard; needs some bug fixes
Assets: Characters: Toadkin: Blotch: Updated to use a warhammer
Assets: Props: Characters: Toadkin: Bla’tu Shield static character added for instantiation via Workbench
Assets: Systems: Systems: Added sparkles (used to highlight things of interest)
Assets: Loot: Added 9 trinkets (Gladefolk: Cocoon, Magic Mushrooms, Wood Imp Wing, Toadkin: Amber Insect, Obsidian Tusk, Toad Carving, Withering Dead: Bottled Eye, Ritual Urn, Wishbone)
Assets: Loot: Added 7 new keys (Cult Of Pyros Key, Dwarven Key, Glacian Key, Gladefolk Key, Grublin Key, Toadkin Key, Order Of The Fang Key)
Fix: Opening world map would clear world specific files which would trigger all json files to be reloaded, breaking a lot of things
Fix: Characters with Auto AI disabled will no longer engage with the enemy without being provoked or other allies are fighting nearby
Fix: Tweaked animation blending at end of an attack order to prevent units gliding
Fix: Effects on abilities sometimes lost the information about which ability was being used
Fix: Nara can no longer be attacked while in her cocoon
Fix: AI now queries for nearby targets directly instead of relying on the combat system to keep an up to date list (which it sometimes didn't, e.g when the character was of type CharacterStatic such as a destructible column)
Fix: Swamp Ruins Kit: some doors weren’t working properly
Fix: Added support for male/female variants of last names (required for language support)
Fix: Characters were being initialized completely in the editor which could prevent them from using up to date info (e.g health/names/etc.)
Fix: Inventory items are now loaded synchronously when a location loads instead of asynchronously as that could cause some lag when the loot system needed to be initialized
Fix: Added wider dialog header image to support longer character names due to translation
Fix: Prevented damage text greater than 4999 appearing, which only happens in code cheats

Known Issues
  • Lilith is overpowered
  • Borgle is underpowered
  • Any level designers that have used Bla’tu will need to re-insert him into their map

Developer Comments
* Partial language support has been added for German and Russian. It’s ‘partial’ because only labels that are unlikely to change have been translated. Quest text is subject to change, and has therefore not been translated. Both languages were selected because of their character sets. Special thanks go out to Nori for the German translation and Psytoshgen for Russian.

Both Bla’tu and Rhog battles make use of the new tagging system. Destructible Column 01 are tagged with ‘blatu_column’. As they are destroyed, falling debris will start landing on his magic shield. Statue Trap 01 are tagged with ‘blatu_statue’ and can be activated by Bla’tu’s magic to begin releasing fireballs. Finally, in the center of the room is a point tagged with ‘blatu_mortar’. This is used as the central point for when debris starts falling in the room, which the player must then avoid.

Rhog uses points tagged with ‘rhog_spawner’ to notify where whirlpools and piranha will spawn, and ‘rhog_scorpion’ where the scorpions emerge.
Oct 21, 2016
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


The primary changes include partial language support for German and Russian, Act II from start to finish for the Grublins (first pass), the Toadkin boss and behemoth battles, a new dungeon and several new critters.


Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Act II Grublin storyline now playable in entirety as a first-pass
Player: Bla’tu (Toadkin leader) boss battle encounter
Player: Mighty Rhog (Toadkin Behemoth) boss battle encounter
UI: Some layout reformatted to better support translated labels
UI: Settings: Game: Language setting added with partial support for German and Russian*
Maps: Campaign: Sunken Depths added (accessible from Bla’tu’s Temple)
Maps: Campaign: Bountiful Bog: Dr Murp’s added
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Crabs added to shoreline
Maps: Sandbox: Stinking Swamp: Kobold group near the kobold village now spawns less often
Editor: Workbench: Added Buff node to apply buffs to characters (needs json file lookup)
Editor: Workbench: Added CharacterScale node
Assets: Terrains: Swamp Ruins: Statue Trap - see notes
Assets: Characters: Mighty Rhog: Run removed, he was moving stupidly fast, abilities added
Assets: Characters: Grassland Animals: Added cave and gladiator crabs
Assets: Characters: Swamp Animals: Added scorpion
Assets: Characters: Grassland Animals: Added cave crab and gladiator crab
Assets: Characters: Piranha: Added environmental (non-attackable) hazard; needs some bug fixes
Assets: Characters: Toadkin: Blotch: Updated to use a warhammer
Assets: Props: Characters: Toadkin: Bla’tu Shield static character added for instantiation via Workbench
Assets: Systems: Systems: Added sparkles (used to highlight things of interest)
Assets: Loot: Added 9 trinkets (Gladefolk: Cocoon, Magic Mushrooms, Wood Imp Wing, Toadkin: Amber Insect, Obsidian Tusk, Toad Carving, Withering Dead: Bottled Eye, Ritual Urn, Wishbone)
Assets: Loot: Added 7 new keys (Cult Of Pyros Key, Dwarven Key, Glacian Key, Gladefolk Key, Grublin Key, Toadkin Key, Order Of The Fang Key)
Fix: Opening world map would clear world specific files which would trigger all json files to be reloaded, breaking a lot of things
Fix: Characters with Auto AI disabled will no longer engage with the enemy without being provoked or other allies are fighting nearby
Fix: Tweaked animation blending at end of an attack order to prevent units gliding
Fix: Effects on abilities sometimes lost the information about which ability was being used
Fix: Nara can no longer be attacked while in her cocoon
Fix: AI now queries for nearby targets directly instead of relying on the combat system to keep an up to date list (which it sometimes didn't, e.g when the character was of type CharacterStatic such as a destructible column)
Fix: Swamp Ruins Kit: some doors weren’t working properly
Fix: Added support for male/female variants of last names (required for language support)
Fix: Characters were being initialized completely in the editor which could prevent them from using up to date info (e.g health/names/etc.)
Fix: Inventory items are now loaded synchronously when a location loads instead of asynchronously as that could cause some lag when the loot system needed to be initialized
Fix: Added wider dialog header image to support longer character names due to translation
Fix: Prevented damage text greater than 4999 appearing, which only happens in code cheats

Known Issues
  • Lilith is overpowered
  • Borgle is underpowered
  • Any level designers that have used Bla’tu will need to re-insert him into their map

Developer Comments
* Partial language support has been added for German and Russian. It’s ‘partial’ because only labels that are unlikely to change have been translated. Quest text is subject to change, and has therefore not been translated. Both languages were selected because of their character sets. Special thanks go out to Nori for the German translation and Psytoshgen for Russian.

Both Bla’tu and Rhog battles make use of the new tagging system. Destructible Column 01 are tagged with ‘blatu_column’. As they are destroyed, falling debris will start landing on his magic shield. Statue Trap 01 are tagged with ‘blatu_statue’ and can be activated by Bla’tu’s magic to begin releasing fireballs. Finally, in the center of the room is a point tagged with ‘blatu_mortar’. This is used as the central point for when debris starts falling in the room, which the player must then avoid.

Rhog uses points tagged with ‘rhog_spawner’ to notify where whirlpools and piranha will spawn, and ‘rhog_scorpion’ where the scorpions emerge.
Sep 23, 2016
Folk Tale - GF


The primary changes focus on code optimization, bug fixes, and further development of the campaign. For CPU bound machines (usually PC’s with high end graphics cards) we’re seeing a significant frame rate boost in large-population villages. We’re also opening up the next campaign act, with an in-game warning that it’s only really for a look around, and not for playing. Currently only the Grublin faction storyline is being worked on.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Campaign Act II is now partly accessible
Player: Heroes: Borgle’s abilities fleshed out
Maps: Campaign: Bountiful Bog: Grublin campaign extended inc. further level design
Maps: Campaign: Bla’tu’s Palace: Grublin campaign extended
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: You can now travel to the Bountiful Bog via a road sign near the starting point
Maps: Campaign: Desecrated Cathedral: Sewing machines are now malfunctioning as per the story, and Brom’s machine fixing has been part implemented (still needs his animation importing)
Editor: Workbench: Added AllWithTag and FirstWithTag nodes
Editor: Mordrich can now teleport to points tagged with mordrich_teleport to avoid jumping out of a room
Assets: Audio: Added magic missile release sounds for all magic types
Assets: Audio: Added some missing inventory item move sounds
Assets: Props: Replaced Quarterstaff placeholder textures with final textures
Assets: Props: Bones: Added Skeleton Interactible for scripting in Workbench using WorkPointTrigger
Assets: Props: Human: Added Journal Interactible for scripting in Workbench using WorkPointTrigger
Assets: Dungeons: Mordrich’s Factory: Skeleton sewing points can now be scripted via Workbench
Assets: Terrains: Swamp Ruins: Added a destructible column
Assets: Inventory: Updated icons for quarterstaffs
Assets: Inventory: Added icons for runestones (not implemented yet)
Assets: Inventory: Updated icon for grublin claws (not implemented yet)
Optimization: Increased thread count on pathfinding to avoid it crashing; could cause workers to stop moving
Optimization: Moved tile handling code (inc. grass generation) to run after rendering has completed
Optimization: Improved fast filtering of objects
Optimization: Pathfinding distance check for buildings and resources is now non-blocking
Optimization: OrderWorkPoint was running the work point filter more times than necessary
Fix: Enemies would sometimes not start to attack the unit that was attacking them using a ranged attack
Fix: Line Of Sight code was breaking pathfinding, ranged units could shoot through doors
Fix: Line Of Sight was causing units to not move to attack if they had a valid path but no line of sight
Fix: Bugs in balancing code that made difficulty increase way too quickly
Fix: Centaur portrait image is now correct
Fix: Updated Gregory's bash range to reflect what the ui indicator was showing
Fix: Workbench: LoopSlow node now correctly emits the index property; good for timers
Fix: World Editor: World Kit is now showing correctly
Fix: Assets: Doors have been updated to prevent characters getting too close and breaking line of sight
Fix: Prevented workers from trying to work with resources that often cause orders to fail, spamming log
Fix: Fishing Hut navmesh needed adjusting
Fix: Monastery attack points weren’t working

Known Issues
  • When using the world map, if you click back into the location where you currently are, resources will become decoupled and show zero on the top bar.

Developer Comments
We’ve spent a fair bit of time optimizing the code for larger villages where performance was dropping. While population is uncapped, there is always going to be a point where this happens, but now it should happen a fair bit later.
Sep 23, 2016
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


The primary changes focus on code optimization, bug fixes, and further development of the campaign. For CPU bound machines (usually PC’s with high end graphics cards) we’re seeing a significant frame rate boost in large-population villages. We’re also opening up the next campaign act, with an in-game warning that it’s only really for a look around, and not for playing. Currently only the Grublin faction storyline is being worked on.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Campaign Act II is now partly accessible
Player: Heroes: Borgle’s abilities fleshed out
Maps: Campaign: Bountiful Bog: Grublin campaign extended inc. further level design
Maps: Campaign: Bla’tu’s Palace: Grublin campaign extended
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: You can now travel to the Bountiful Bog via a road sign near the starting point
Maps: Campaign: Desecrated Cathedral: Sewing machines are now malfunctioning as per the story, and Brom’s machine fixing has been part implemented (still needs his animation importing)
Editor: Workbench: Added AllWithTag and FirstWithTag nodes
Editor: Mordrich can now teleport to points tagged with mordrich_teleport to avoid jumping out of a room
Assets: Audio: Added magic missile release sounds for all magic types
Assets: Audio: Added some missing inventory item move sounds
Assets: Props: Replaced Quarterstaff placeholder textures with final textures
Assets: Props: Bones: Added Skeleton Interactible for scripting in Workbench using WorkPointTrigger
Assets: Props: Human: Added Journal Interactible for scripting in Workbench using WorkPointTrigger
Assets: Dungeons: Mordrich’s Factory: Skeleton sewing points can now be scripted via Workbench
Assets: Terrains: Swamp Ruins: Added a destructible column
Assets: Inventory: Updated icons for quarterstaffs
Assets: Inventory: Added icons for runestones (not implemented yet)
Assets: Inventory: Updated icon for grublin claws (not implemented yet)
Optimization: Increased thread count on pathfinding to avoid it crashing; could cause workers to stop moving
Optimization: Moved tile handling code (inc. grass generation) to run after rendering has completed
Optimization: Improved fast filtering of objects
Optimization: Pathfinding distance check for buildings and resources is now non-blocking
Optimization: OrderWorkPoint was running the work point filter more times than necessary
Fix: Enemies would sometimes not start to attack the unit that was attacking them using a ranged attack
Fix: Line Of Sight code was breaking pathfinding, ranged units could shoot through doors
Fix: Line Of Sight was causing units to not move to attack if they had a valid path but no line of sight
Fix: Bugs in balancing code that made difficulty increase way too quickly
Fix: Centaur portrait image is now correct
Fix: Updated Gregory's bash range to reflect what the ui indicator was showing
Fix: Workbench: LoopSlow node now correctly emits the index property; good for timers
Fix: World Editor: World Kit is now showing correctly
Fix: Assets: Doors have been updated to prevent characters getting too close and breaking line of sight
Fix: Prevented workers from trying to work with resources that often cause orders to fail, spamming log
Fix: Fishing Hut navmesh needed adjusting
Fix: Monastery attack points weren’t working

Known Issues
  • When using the world map, if you click back into the location where you currently are, resources will become decoupled and show zero on the top bar.

Developer Comments
We’ve spent a fair bit of time optimizing the code for larger villages where performance was dropping. While population is uncapped, there is always going to be a point where this happens, but now it should happen a fair bit later.
Folk Tale - GF


The primary changes are a soft-launch of Steam Workshop integration, two new boss battles (Mordrich and Nara), two new military units (Spearmen and Cavalry), a new building (stables), an improved minimap, staggered worker auto recruit, and a setting to prevent villagers abandoning town when unhappy which is now off on normal difficulty.

The campaign might contain breaking changes (this build is definitely experimental!). Please let us know if you come across one and we'll get it fixed in a micro-patch in the next few days.


Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Core: Added Steam Workshop integration
Core: Game is now plumbed for translated text (only English currently available)
Core: Json files can now be loaded from a folder in the world folder with the same structure as the ConfigDefault directory e.g. MyWorld/ConfigDefault
Player: Implemented Mordrich boss battle
Player: Implemented Nara boss battle
Player: Added line of sight
Player: Added larger hover-over health bar for enemies (shows when a unit is selected)
Player: Added game setting for whether unhappy villagers leave
Player: Added Spearman unit to Barracks
Player: Added Cavalry
Player: Added Stables building
Player: Arbalists now require crossbow and chainmail armor research to unlock the unit
Player: City Watch now require halberd and plate armor research research to unlock the unit
Player: Building Production Tab now shows ‘The panel is being redesigned’ as it’s no longer relevant
Player: Building Dialog: Staggered auto recruit is now supported
Player: Optimized sky shader; map is now softened at the edge
Player: Willow is now a ranged caster instead of melee
Player: Primary Attribute behaviour changed (see Developer Notes below)
Player: Minimap terrain appearance significantly improved by darkened non-walkable areas
Player: Added footstep sounds and screen shake to ogres
Player: Mind now also affects physical resistance bonus
Player: Added berries, carrots, thistle and yarrow to marketplace
Player: Optimization: Bloom, vignette and color correction are now all performed in the same shader pass
Player: Optimization: Moved some code to be run after rendering is done on the main thread
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Beastmen attack waves are now only triggered after talking to Brolo
Editor: Inspector: Loot Profiles are now accessed first by category then by item
Editor: World Editor: Worlds can now be duplicated in the world editor
Editor: Workbench: Added LoopSlow node
Editor: Workbench: Added CharacterToggleAI node
Editor: Workbench: Added ScaleDifficulty and LockDifficulty nodes
Editor: Workbench: Added SetCharacterHealthBarMode node
Editor: Workbench: Added Difficulty and IfDifficulty nodes
Editor: Workbench: Added LootCreateItem node to create magic items and/or items with custom names
Editor: Workbench: Added StoreInventoryItem and, GetInventoryItem nodes
Editor: Workbench: Added StoreGlobalInventoryItem and GetGlobalInventoryItem nodes
Editor: Workbench: Added StagedEvent node for showing key stage events (e.g. Act I: The Beginning)
Editor: Workbench: Loot node now accepts up to 4 optional single item inputs (e.g. from LootCreateItem)
Editor: Workbench: AddQuestGiver and WhenQuestGiver now have a checkbox for whether ! or ? is shown
Assets: Audio: Added Spriggan voice sounds
Assets: Audio: Added Toadkin Worker voice sounds
Assets: Audio: Added Horse sounds (for cavalry)
Assets: Audio: Added werewolf sounds
Assets: Characters: Added Skeletal Mage
Assets: Characters: Added Centaurs
Assets: Portraits: Added Kiwa, Glacian Suit Of Armor, Grublin Berserker, Order Of The Fang Slinger, Crab, Gladiator Crab, Sabertooth, Magma Minion, Frost Polar Bear, Automaton, Fu Dog and Shadow Warden
Assets: Special Abilities: Added Berserker Rage, Howl, Mark Of The Wolf, Shred and Sweeping Strike icons
Fix: Mobs were unable to change target or stop chasing an enemy
Fix: Editor: Workbench: bug in Notification node causing it to not be able to trigger twice
Fix: Stalactite projector was being created on the ground so it wasn't visible (Bonefinger boss battle)
Fix: Added 'NonBlocking' sound queue mode to prevent some sound effects from blocking voice over
Fix: Tweaked impact point for ranged attacks (e.g crossbows)
Fix: Character rotation speed is no longer affected by animation speed
Fix: Mossclaw’s strangle vine was playing a grublin voice file
Fix: Minimap: Some environment assets e.g. light planes in Bonefinger’s Lair were rendering above the terrain
Fix: Minimap: Blips now work when UIScaling is set to anything other than the default
Fix: Yeti was visible in fog of war
Fix: 3d model wasn’t linked to Tower Shield 21 definition causing an exception
Fix: Resource name plural usage should now be used where appropriate
Fix: Character sheet now shows correct primary attribute
Fix: Spawn point preview mesh was not always scaled correctly
Fix: Non-loot character stats no longer included in loot tables
Fix: Abilities for characters that don’t use their primary attribute now scale correctly
Fix: Added workaround for occasional error when opening Editor
Fix: Bonefinger’s wing flap sounds would continue after death
Fix: LootManager was trying to deserialize loot data before inventory items had been loaded
Fix: Editor: 'Health Multiplier' and 'Damage Multiplier' in wave spawn point settings were broken
Fix: Screen fades now affect the UI
Fix: Reduced fade time for audio when skipping a conversation
Balancing: Reduced invulnerability timer on revive from 8 seconds to 5 seconds
Balancing: Ser Gregory’s health brought up to par with other heroes
Balancing: Ser Gregory had 8 extra base damage which is now removed (he’s a tank not a dps)
Balancing: Ser Gregory’s Iron Skin and Power Slam abilities are now more responsive
Balancing: Innate armor bonuses on heroes have been removed
Balancing: Bandit raids after Kenny has been confronted now only continue on hard difficulty or above
Balancing: Health and power recovery rate is now linked to game difficulty
Balancing: All units are now balanced individually instead of as groups
Balancing: Halved the rate of firewood and mead consumption

Breaking Changes
  • The loot table has been simplified. Any entries assigned in loot profiles might need resetting in your map e.g. in chests, or using the SetLoot node in Workbench

Known Issues
  • It’s possible for Mordrich to blink into an adjacent room that might also have a locked door
  • Willow’s range attack isn’t currently pulling monsters
  • Doors aren’t always blocking line of sight - more configuration required

Developer Comments

The minimap now uses the navmesh to darken areas of the terrain, thereby causing valid paths to ‘pop’ for the player. It is strongly advised that level designers disable the navmesh on tiles and walkable props that aren’t intended for the player to access. Preview the navmesh in the Glade or Bonefinger’s Lair maps in the campaign for examples.

Steam Workshop
Worlds can now be uploaded from the World Editor to Steam Workshop by clicking on the new steam button to the right of the save button.

Players can download community created worlds by opening the Steam Workshop tab in the community section on Steam and subscribing to the maps.

Primary Attribute Behavior
Points spent in a hero’s primary attribute now award double the bonus. Primary attributes no longer affect character damage; points spent in agility for Quixl no longer boost his damage, the same for points for casters. Strength now directly contributes to attack rating (ergo damage), including for casters.

Monks Now Use Quarterstaffs
We’ve needed to differentiate between Willow who is a ranged caster who uses staffs, and the melee based Monks. We have introduced a new category called ‘Quarterstaffs’ which are used exclusively by Monks.
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


The primary changes are a soft-launch of Steam Workshop integration, two new boss battles (Mordrich and Nara), two new military units (Spearmen and Cavalry), a new building (stables), an improved minimap, staggered worker auto recruit, and a setting to prevent villagers abandoning town when unhappy which is now off on normal difficulty.

The campaign might contain breaking changes (this build is definitely experimental!). Please let us know if you come across one and we'll get it fixed in a micro-patch in the next few days.


Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Core: Added Steam Workshop integration
Core: Game is now plumbed for translated text (only English currently available)
Core: Json files can now be loaded from a folder in the world folder with the same structure as the ConfigDefault directory e.g. MyWorld/ConfigDefault
Player: Implemented Mordrich boss battle
Player: Implemented Nara boss battle
Player: Added line of sight
Player: Added larger hover-over health bar for enemies (shows when a unit is selected)
Player: Added game setting for whether unhappy villagers leave
Player: Added Spearman unit to Barracks
Player: Added Cavalry
Player: Added Stables building
Player: Arbalists now require crossbow and chainmail armor research to unlock the unit
Player: City Watch now require halberd and plate armor research research to unlock the unit
Player: Building Production Tab now shows ‘The panel is being redesigned’ as it’s no longer relevant
Player: Building Dialog: Staggered auto recruit is now supported
Player: Optimized sky shader; map is now softened at the edge
Player: Willow is now a ranged caster instead of melee
Player: Primary Attribute behaviour changed (see Developer Notes below)
Player: Minimap terrain appearance significantly improved by darkened non-walkable areas
Player: Added footstep sounds and screen shake to ogres
Player: Mind now also affects physical resistance bonus
Player: Added berries, carrots, thistle and yarrow to marketplace
Player: Optimization: Bloom, vignette and color correction are now all performed in the same shader pass
Player: Optimization: Moved some code to be run after rendering is done on the main thread
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Beastmen attack waves are now only triggered after talking to Brolo
Editor: Inspector: Loot Profiles are now accessed first by category then by item
Editor: World Editor: Worlds can now be duplicated in the world editor
Editor: Workbench: Added LoopSlow node
Editor: Workbench: Added CharacterToggleAI node
Editor: Workbench: Added ScaleDifficulty and LockDifficulty nodes
Editor: Workbench: Added SetCharacterHealthBarMode node
Editor: Workbench: Added Difficulty and IfDifficulty nodes
Editor: Workbench: Added LootCreateItem node to create magic items and/or items with custom names
Editor: Workbench: Added StoreInventoryItem and, GetInventoryItem nodes
Editor: Workbench: Added StoreGlobalInventoryItem and GetGlobalInventoryItem nodes
Editor: Workbench: Added StagedEvent node for showing key stage events (e.g. Act I: The Beginning)
Editor: Workbench: Loot node now accepts up to 4 optional single item inputs (e.g. from LootCreateItem)
Editor: Workbench: AddQuestGiver and WhenQuestGiver now have a checkbox for whether ! or ? is shown
Assets: Audio: Added Spriggan voice sounds
Assets: Audio: Added Toadkin Worker voice sounds
Assets: Audio: Added Horse sounds (for cavalry)
Assets: Audio: Added werewolf sounds
Assets: Characters: Added Skeletal Mage
Assets: Characters: Added Centaurs
Assets: Portraits: Added Kiwa, Glacian Suit Of Armor, Grublin Berserker, Order Of The Fang Slinger, Crab, Gladiator Crab, Sabertooth, Magma Minion, Frost Polar Bear, Automaton, Fu Dog and Shadow Warden
Assets: Special Abilities: Added Berserker Rage, Howl, Mark Of The Wolf, Shred and Sweeping Strike icons
Fix: Mobs were unable to change target or stop chasing an enemy
Fix: Editor: Workbench: bug in Notification node causing it to not be able to trigger twice
Fix: Stalactite projector was being created on the ground so it wasn't visible (Bonefinger boss battle)
Fix: Added 'NonBlocking' sound queue mode to prevent some sound effects from blocking voice over
Fix: Tweaked impact point for ranged attacks (e.g crossbows)
Fix: Character rotation speed is no longer affected by animation speed
Fix: Mossclaw’s strangle vine was playing a grublin voice file
Fix: Minimap: Some environment assets e.g. light planes in Bonefinger’s Lair were rendering above the terrain
Fix: Minimap: Blips now work when UIScaling is set to anything other than the default
Fix: Yeti was visible in fog of war
Fix: 3d model wasn’t linked to Tower Shield 21 definition causing an exception
Fix: Resource name plural usage should now be used where appropriate
Fix: Character sheet now shows correct primary attribute
Fix: Spawn point preview mesh was not always scaled correctly
Fix: Non-loot character stats no longer included in loot tables
Fix: Abilities for characters that don’t use their primary attribute now scale correctly
Fix: Added workaround for occasional error when opening Editor
Fix: Bonefinger’s wing flap sounds would continue after death
Fix: LootManager was trying to deserialize loot data before inventory items had been loaded
Fix: Editor: 'Health Multiplier' and 'Damage Multiplier' in wave spawn point settings were broken
Fix: Screen fades now affect the UI
Fix: Reduced fade time for audio when skipping a conversation
Balancing: Reduced invulnerability timer on revive from 8 seconds to 5 seconds
Balancing: Ser Gregory’s health brought up to par with other heroes
Balancing: Ser Gregory had 8 extra base damage which is now removed (he’s a tank not a dps)
Balancing: Ser Gregory’s Iron Skin and Power Slam abilities are now more responsive
Balancing: Innate armor bonuses on heroes have been removed
Balancing: Bandit raids after Kenny has been confronted now only continue on hard difficulty or above
Balancing: Health and power recovery rate is now linked to game difficulty
Balancing: All units are now balanced individually instead of as groups
Balancing: Halved the rate of firewood and mead consumption

Breaking Changes
  • The loot table has been simplified. Any entries assigned in loot profiles might need resetting in your map e.g. in chests, or using the SetLoot node in Workbench

Known Issues
  • It’s possible for Mordrich to blink into an adjacent room that might also have a locked door
  • Willow’s range attack isn’t currently pulling monsters
  • Doors aren’t always blocking line of sight - more configuration required

Developer Comments

The minimap now uses the navmesh to darken areas of the terrain, thereby causing valid paths to ‘pop’ for the player. It is strongly advised that level designers disable the navmesh on tiles and walkable props that aren’t intended for the player to access. Preview the navmesh in the Glade or Bonefinger’s Lair maps in the campaign for examples.

Steam Workshop
Worlds can now be uploaded from the World Editor to Steam Workshop by clicking on the new steam button to the right of the save button.

Players can download community created worlds by opening the Steam Workshop tab in the community section on Steam and subscribing to the maps.

Primary Attribute Behavior
Points spent in a hero’s primary attribute now award double the bonus. Primary attributes no longer affect character damage; points spent in agility for Quixl no longer boost his damage, the same for points for casters. Strength now directly contributes to attack rating (ergo damage), including for casters.

Monks Now Use Quarterstaffs
We’ve needed to differentiate between Willow who is a ranged caster who uses staffs, and the melee based Monks. We have introduced a new category called ‘Quarterstaffs’ which are used exclusively by Monks.
Aug 13, 2016
Folk Tale - GF


We’ve implemented a cool visual effects system to seriously beef up boss battles. Mossclaw and Bonefinger are now formidable opponents. Heroes have been made more responsive to commands.

Hero abilities now have a degree of skill involved, further improving the feel of combat. Targeting is now supported for AOE and forward arc abilities.

As the player party expands, levels up, and equips more loot, we now automatically ramp up the challenge level. It's designed to lag somewhat, so players feel the immediate benefit of a new epic sword, or a new armor set, but without giving them a long term edge over opponents. This keeps battles challenging and interesting throughout for all players.

When it comes to adventuring, world map travel is now available from any portal. Players can either choose to travel directly to where a portal leads, or open the world map to choose an alternative destination, including specific portals that they have discovered. Sandbox maps are now interconnected, with players able to travel between locations and start multiple villages.

Key bindings are now configurable via settings, so if you are left-handed or have a non-English layout keyboard the game should now support your needs better.

Work is wrapping up on Act I, with just the faction leader boss battles left to implement. Work is progressing well on Act II where we meet the unscrupulous Grublins and glorious Toadkin empire in the Bountiful Bog region.

Workbench gains 11 new nodes for level designers, while the editor receives several new kits including the glacian ice palace and a dock front.

Patch Notes

This public build incorporates experimental patches through The patch notes are too long to fit in a Steam announcement. Please visit our website for detailed patch notes.
Aug 13, 2016
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


We’ve implemented a cool visual effects system to seriously beef up boss battles. Mossclaw and Bonefinger are now formidable opponents. Heroes have been made more responsive to commands.

Hero abilities now have a degree of skill involved, further improving the feel of combat. Targeting is now supported for AOE and forward arc abilities.

As the player party expands, levels up, and equips more loot, we now automatically ramp up the challenge level. It's designed to lag somewhat, so players feel the immediate benefit of a new epic sword, or a new armor set, but without giving them a long term edge over opponents. This keeps battles challenging and interesting throughout for all players.

When it comes to adventuring, world map travel is now available from any portal. Players can either choose to travel directly to where a portal leads, or open the world map to choose an alternative destination, including specific portals that they have discovered. Sandbox maps are now interconnected, with players able to travel between locations and start multiple villages.

Key bindings are now configurable via settings, so if you are left-handed or have a non-English layout keyboard the game should now support your needs better.

Work is wrapping up on Act I, with just the faction leader boss battles left to implement. Work is progressing well on Act II where we meet the unscrupulous Grublins and glorious Toadkin empire in the Bountiful Bog region.

Workbench gains 11 new nodes for level designers, while the editor receives several new kits including the glacian ice palace and a dock front.

Patch Notes

This public build incorporates experimental patches through The patch notes are too long to fit in a Steam announcement. Please visit our website for detailed patch notes.
Folk Tale - GF


The primary changes are predominantly bug fixes in preparation for Alpha 28.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Idle voice sounds have been enabled
Player: If all heroes die in a non-dungeon map, they now all revive in the center of town
Player: Characters are now invulnerable for a few seconds after having revived
Player: Added an icon above buildings when a resource they use is not available
Audio: Combat impact sounds can now be heard from further away (when zoomed out)
Audio: Updated Quixl’s ability sounds
Editor: Workbench: Added CharacterExperienceAdd node
Fix: Heroes would sometimes freeze when reviving off-screen and become stuck
Fix: Buildings weren’t able to receive buffs (causing research not to apply the bonus)
Fix: Characters sometimes lost health when being trained as specialists
Fix: WaveSpawnPoint could spawn characters below the ground and thus fall off the map
Fix: Wandering behaviour no longer immediately triggered on arrival (deer were maniacal)
Fix: Some cases where asset preloading didn't work (passive abilities and sometimes when reloading maps)
Fix: Defeated player heroes could still take actions
Fix: Campaign: Betraying Lilith prevented you from progressing due to not being able to speak with Nara
Fix: Campaign: When confronting the protesters, the Spriggans could run towards heroes just before the cutscene
Fix: Campaign: Minimap markers are now showing again for ‘The Rotwold Fens’
Fix: Sandbox: Drunken Hog: Cleanup up Quixl’s quest so it can be completed; will be improved in later patches
Fix: Sandbox: Cold Peak: Travelling merchant portrait was white
Fix: Tutorial: Ser Gregory wouldn’t always level up after the first kobold attack
Fix: AIs could sometimes use abilities on dead or defeated characters
Fix: Health bars with over 50 divisions that would appear as solid black no longer show divisions
Fix: Villagers can now be commanded to repair/construct buildings
Balancing: Spider Queens should now present a more reasonable challenge
Balancing: Heroes now only lose 25% of xp following death on normal difficulty, 50% on hard, and 100% on very hard

Known Issues
  • Brom, Lilith and Nara are all too easy
  • The Butcher protecting the Everbloom Antidote is too easy

Developer Comments
All being well with this patch, Alpha 28 will be the next release.
Folk Tale - Games Foundry


The primary changes are predominantly bug fixes in preparation for Alpha 28.

Where can I get it?
Experimental Build:

What's new?
Player: Idle voice sounds have been enabled
Player: If all heroes die in a non-dungeon map, they now all revive in the center of town
Player: Characters are now invulnerable for a few seconds after having revived
Player: Added an icon above buildings when a resource they use is not available
Audio: Combat impact sounds can now be heard from further away (when zoomed out)
Audio: Updated Quixl’s ability sounds
Editor: Workbench: Added CharacterExperienceAdd node
Fix: Heroes would sometimes freeze when reviving off-screen and become stuck
Fix: Buildings weren’t able to receive buffs (causing research not to apply the bonus)
Fix: Characters sometimes lost health when being trained as specialists
Fix: WaveSpawnPoint could spawn characters below the ground and thus fall off the map
Fix: Wandering behaviour no longer immediately triggered on arrival (deer were maniacal)
Fix: Some cases where asset preloading didn't work (passive abilities and sometimes when reloading maps)
Fix: Defeated player heroes could still take actions
Fix: Campaign: Betraying Lilith prevented you from progressing due to not being able to speak with Nara
Fix: Campaign: When confronting the protesters, the Spriggans could run towards heroes just before the cutscene
Fix: Campaign: Minimap markers are now showing again for ‘The Rotwold Fens’
Fix: Sandbox: Drunken Hog: Cleanup up Quixl’s quest so it can be completed; will be improved in later patches
Fix: Sandbox: Cold Peak: Travelling merchant portrait was white
Fix: Tutorial: Ser Gregory wouldn’t always level up after the first kobold attack
Fix: AIs could sometimes use abilities on dead or defeated characters
Fix: Health bars with over 50 divisions that would appear as solid black no longer show divisions
Fix: Villagers can now be commanded to repair/construct buildings
Balancing: Spider Queens should now present a more reasonable challenge
Balancing: Heroes now only lose 25% of xp following death on normal difficulty, 50% on hard, and 100% on very hard

Known Issues
  • Brom, Lilith and Nara are all too easy
  • The Butcher protecting the Everbloom Antidote is too easy

Developer Comments
All being well with this patch, Alpha 28 will be the next release.

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