BioShock™ - (Nathan Grayson)

Sometimes you want to charge guns, swords, and words a-blazin into a game world and tame the land until Iron Maiden writes a song about you. Other times, you just want to heft your heavy eyelids, sip a light tea, and gently sail through friendly old places made new again. You’ve got a long day ahead of you, but you don’t have to venture out into the cruel sadlands of life just yet. Remember better days. Here, let me help with videos of the original BioShock and Deus Ex: Human Revolution re-realized in Unreal Engine 4. They’re quite a sight.

… [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Craig Pearson)

Who asked for this?

News of the now: there is a newish Deus Ex game on Steam. Deus Ex: The Fall is a conversion of the mobile game from a few years back, one that did an okay job of squeezing down to be prodded and poked at by commuters. I warn you, despite being a slice of Human Revolution-esque Deus Ex, the launch trailer below makes it look pretty bad. Better augment your eyes before watching.

… [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

So it continues. It’s once again preening season in the gaming industry (Start of the year! Financial results! Losses! Fun, fun, fun!), and big studios are tightening their stylishly arrayed goth belts. 2K Czech, EA’s Ghost Games, Irrational, Disney Interactive, and Turbine have all taken their licks on the chopping block, and now reports suggest that Thief and Deus Ex developer Eidos Montreal is up next. Kotaku sources suggested that more than 20 developers are back out on the mean streets of the city after spending eons working on the mean streets of The City. We got in touch with Square Enix, and they confirmed the unfortunate news.

… [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Graham Smith)

Adam Yankee in... Deus 4x.

Before Eidos Montreal tore the internet asunder with their Thief reboot, they made Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It was well liked upon release, but I still feel like it doesn’t get enough attention. It did, however, get a recent, somewhat crappy tablet spin-off called The Fall.

That spin-off is now coming to PC on March 25th. If it was somewhat crappy, why does that matter? When The Fall is all there is of Deus Ex, it matters. … [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

Hah, get it? Director's *Cut*, because my elbow is a sword and now you're dying!

The next bright, gold sun in the Deus Ex Universe might be on the way, but that doesn’t mean we’ve seen all Deus Ex: Human Revolution has to offer just yet. There’s more stuff – some of which was cut. By directors>. But now it’s back, and some of it is entirely new. Also, Eidos Montreal is claiming that boss fights are now less awful. Is it an honest-to-goodness miracle or merely hyper-sophisticated science in the trench-coat-clad guise of wizardry? We’ll probably never know. But I can say this much with certainty: Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut is just around the corner, and it’s actually quite cheap – especially if you already own the vanilla version of HR.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

Against all odds, Deus Ex: Human Revolution was marvelous. It wasn’t quite> a perfect continuation of the original’s legendary legacy (and those boss fights were utterly atrocious), but it let us dissect a rich and, um, very gold cyberpunk world with a surgeon’s belt of clever tech toys. Also vents. Just the right number of vents. But what’s next? Well, Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut is coming out on October 22nd, but that’s just tying up some loose ends. Deus Ex: Universe, however, is the future, and it promises to be quite grand in scope indeed.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alec Meer)

Oh my God JC, another recycled screenshot

Oh, video game marketing, you are the worst of all the marketings. Five seconds! What a shame. Most of said five second teaser trailer is a logo. The rest of which is a voice – is that Bob Page or do my ears deceive me? – saying “are we ready to begin?” Oh, I’ve spoiled it now. Yes, much internal RPS grumpiness about the paucity of this teaser trailer for what appears> to be a new Deus Ex game, subtitled The Fall. Some claimed we shouldn’t post it all. Others claimed we should fill the internets with rabid speculation. Then there was me, just trying to fill a bit of space before posting the video. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alec Meer)

Press X To Ask For This

We sat out April Fools’ Day entirely on RPS, because we are cheerless fucks who can’t abide even the mere idea of other people having a laugh. Also because it was a bank holiday in the UK, but, y’know, principles.> The upside of this is that I can safely ignore everything which arrived in my inbox yesterday. The downside is that a couple of genuinely lovely things get overlooked. Thus, I shall break all the rules and not overlook a couple of them after all. For instance, Eidos Montreal’s Deus Ex: Human Defiance, which starts off with the rather videogames industry-stereotypical April 1 jape of ‘hey wouldn’t it be funny if we went retro?’ but winds up, perhaps inadvertently, making a 16-bit, 2D, reductive Deus Ex look hugely appealing. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (David Valjalo)

Following his exploration of that murky world of game-to-film adaptations, movie brat David Valjalo finds himself in deep debate with Deus Ex overlord David Anfossi, talking cyberpunk, Sergio Leone and why the forthcoming Deus Ex film will break the trend and be one to watch.> (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alec Meer)


Now, don’t go jumping to any conclusions just yet. That’s how poor old Richard Kimble ended up having such a hard time of things. All that’s happened is that Squeenix have taken out a trademark in the name of ‘Deus Ex: Human Defiance.’ It could be anything. It could be nothing. It could be a game. It could be a movie. It could be another ropey spin-off comic. It could be a typo. It could be the official Deus Ex pancake mix.

It’s probably a game though, innit? (more…)


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