Crysis - (Nathan Grayson)


GameSpy giveth, and – years later – it shutteth down due to the cruleth realities of modern busineth practices and, in doing so, taketh away. The list of games affected by said untimely (but also kinda timely) demise is long and prone to billowing ominously in the wind, and we still don’t know what exactly will happen to a number of those trapped in its server purgatory. Sometimes, though, no news is good news. Case in point: it turns out that Crysis and Crysis 2 won’t be coming back online after GameSpy goes dark.

… [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Nathan Grayson)

I always did enjoy how poorly drawn the GameSpy mascot was - Xs for eyes or not.

GameSpy, a relic from times long before the modern Internet – or indeed, games and spies – existed is closing down. This on its own is not surprising as the multiplayer service is, by modern standards, buggy and kind of a joke, but it leaves a startling number of games with their e-wings clipped and their online-heaving hams strung> in its wake. How many, you ask? Well, Reddit’s /r/Games board compiled a massive list, and the results aren’t pretty.

… [visit site to read more]

Crysis - (Duncan Harris)

This is the latest in the series of articles about the art technology of games, in collaboration with the particularly handsome Dead End Thrills.>

Games move pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss them. The pretties this week come courtesy not of a particular game, nor indeed me, but of the Dead End Thrills Flickr group, a caravan of some 500+ ‘players’ who spend more time stopping games and looking around than they do actually playing. The times we live in.

With some 11,000 images in there, I wasn’t sure how best to approach this. (Drunk, obviously, but how badly?) I’ve gone for the easy option: a round-up of games and/or users that stood out over the last few weeks. What you’ll often find is that wrangling games into ‘screenshot mode’ has knock-on benefits for any PC gamer, so let’s see if that holds true. (more…)

Crysis - (Alec Meer)

OK, OK, I admit, I want an Oculus Rift and I will do unspeakable things to any human being of your choice in order to get one. (Er, better not hold me to that.) Stereoscopic 3D in games has left me either unmoved or with a headache to date, but these VR goggles are so much more than that. They mean videogames BEAMED DIRECTLY INTO MY BRAIN, or thereabouts and, as this video of an OR modification for Crysis demonstrates, they also allow the use of natural head movement to look around game environments. (more…)

Feb 21, 2013
Crysis - (Alec Meer)

Crysis 3: a first-person shooter set in a post-apocalyptic, alien-invaded New York, in which you wear a Nanosuit which enables you to temporarily become invisible, damage-resistant or able to leap moderately-sized walls in a single bound. It has a lot of graphics. It’s out now in the US, and tomorrow in the UK. Here is an opinion.> (more…)

Crysis - (Alec Meer)

Bet it won't be as good as Far Cry 3. Though I have no evidence to back up that statement, as yet

We don’t usually do system requirements posts, but when it comes to Crytek they do have a history of basically telling us all that our PCs are rubbish and outdated. Granted, while once it was the high watermark of e-willy waving, the Crysis series hasn’t of late been the technical Goliath/Mephistopheles it once was. Does that change with the upcoming Crysis 3? You know how this works. (more…)

Crysis - (Nathan Grayson)


Do you think Crysis needs more lightsabers? I think Crysis needs more lightsabers. Evidently, the folks behind the original Crysis’ four-years-in-the-making StarCry mod agreed, so they chucked ‘em in – hopefully skewering an Ewok or 12 in the process – for good measure. Wait, good measure? Why would I ever say such a thing when lightsabers – much like love – are all you need? Mainly because they join 1000 new sci-fi-themed objects, 2000 textures, 20 weapons, and 1000 lines of dialog as part of a seriously formidable overhaul package. Intrigued? Well, unfortunately, the RPS lot is fresh out of sci-fi-themed vehicles for break-traversing purposes. We do have Syfy-themed vehicles, though. Might I recommend the Supergator?


Crysis - (Alec Meer)

That's totally Abe Sapien

Yesterday brought official word that a profitable videogame would see a follow-up. Surprise! But while we got to ogle a few Crysis 3 screenshots, we didn’t get to see it in motion. We still don’t, because life is harsh and cruel and that’s a lesson that we all need to learn at some point. Now go to bed without having any dinner. Once you wake up tomorrow, starving and miserable, we might just let you watch this footage of the latest update to CryENGINE 3, which might just offer some visual hints about what to expect from Thrysis. Included – more ear-shaped ears, diving fish-guys, a man with multi-coloured stubble, the kind of fantasy castles that we all wish Skyrim had, a lovely waterfall, a man taking out his existential rage on a window and a shed. (more…)

Crysis - (Alec Meer)

Richard, is that you under there?

Here is a poorly-kept secret: I’m not a very tall man. Here is another one: Crysis 3 is happening. Even before evidence turned up last week, a fourth nanosuited adventure seemed something of a given, but it’s taken the EA-Crytek announcengine this long to formally confirm the next game. I’ve just played Press Release Bingo and I’ve got a “stunning”, a “state of the art”, an “unparalleled visuals”, an “ultimate”, a “leveraging the latest technology” and enough pre-order unlocks to kill a small horse.

Confirmed: we’ll play as angry baldy man Prophet (those who’ve finished Crysis 2 can probably work out why that’s the case), that bow and arrow is legit, it’s due next Spring, it’s using CryEngine 3, it’s going to have “sandbox gameplay” and it’s set in a New York trapped inside an Nanodome which has caused it to transform into an ‘urban rainforest.’ (more…)

Crysis - (Alec Meer)

I bet he gets really sweaty in that suit

While struggling to think up a headline pun to accompany the unsurprising news that there’s almost certainly going to be a third (well, fourth technically speaking) Crysis game, the ‘crap rhymes’ part of my imagination dredged up No Way Sis, who were at one time deemed the UK’s premier Oasis tribute act and enjoyed far too much success of their own. Even a hit single. What a terrible, terrible world this can be.

Anyway, Crysis 3. A spot of digging by Neogaf and Eurogamer’s German arm has turned up assorted hints that Crytek’s third nanosuit oddyssey is due for a reveal soon. They even found a picture of a Crysis dude with a bow and arrow. Which seems sort of incongruous to the nanosuit, but maybe the Strength mode will enable us to shoot arrows that fly for over 20 miles. EXTREME HUNTING. (more…)


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