Plantera - VaragtP
Hi everybody. ːPhelperː

Between 16-23 August, I will donate half of all sales of Plantera to War Child UK.

Money raised will help fund their vital work supporting children living in war zones.

Find out more about War Child here -

Apr 12, 2023
Plantera - VaragtP

Hi everybody! ːPhelperː

It has felt like an eternity, but the time has finally come.
Plantera 2: Golden Acorn is finally released! :D

Thank you so much to everybody who has stuck around and supported the project for this long!

Now that the game has finally been released I really hope that you will enjoy it and hopefully this will still only be the beginning of Plantera! ːPhelperː

Plantera - VaragtP

Hi everybody. ːPhelperː

Only 2 days left until Plantera 2: Golden Acorn is finally relasing!

April 12.

We are ready: ːPhelperːːPpigːːPhenːːPsheepːːPcowːːPdogːːPmagpieːːPfoxːːPbunnyːːPwolfː

Add Plantera 2 to your Wishlist to get notified when it is released! ːPhelperːːPpigːːPhenːːPsheepːːPcowːːPdogːːPmagpieːːPfoxːːPbunnyːːPwolfː
Plantera - VaragtP
Hi everybody. ːPhelperː

With just a few days left until the release of Plantera 2 I am running a campaign with Makeshift to produce a limited edition supply of the Plantera Helper Mellow Plushies!

ːPpigː It will work similar to a Kickstarter campaign: If enough people pre-order (200 pre orders are needed), the plushie will be produced. If not, everyone will get a refund.

ːPhenː The campaign will run for 21 more days from today (April the 7th). After the campaign ends, there will be no way to buy them anymore.

ːPdogː Link to the shop:

Plantera 2 is releasing on April 12! Add it to your Wishlist to get notified when it is released! ːPhelperːːPpigːːPhenːːPsheepːːPcowːːPdogːːPmagpieːːPfoxːːPbunnyːːPwolfː
Plantera - VaragtP

Hi everybody. ːPhelperː

Plantera 2: Golden Acorn is finally set to releasing on April 12! That is in exactly one week from now.

The road has been a long one ːPhenː

Add Plantera 2 to your Wishlist to get notified when it is released! ːPhelperːːPpigːːPhenːːPsheepːːPcowːːPdogːːPmagpieːːPfoxːːPbunnyːːPwolfː
Plantera - VaragtP

Hi everybody. ːPhelperː

I am running a giveaway with Makeshift of 2 limited edition Plantera Helper Mellow Plushies!

All you need is a Twitter account and then you can enter the contest here:

Giveaway ends March 31st at 2pm (ET).

Plantera 2 is releasing on April 12! Add it to your Wishlist to get notified when it is released! ːPhelperːːPpigːːPhenːːPsheepːːPcowːːPdogːːPmagpieːːPfoxːːPbunnyːːPwolfː
Plantera - VaragtP
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Hi everybody. ːPhelperː

This post is to let you all know that there is a Discord channel opened for Plantera where you can come and discuss the game and its sequel! ːPpigː

After many years Plantera 2 is also finally nearing its release now in April! ːPbunnyː

Add Plantera 2 to your Wishlist to get notified when it is released! ːPhelperːːPpigːːPhenːːPsheepːːPcowːːPdogːːPmagpieːːPfoxːːPbunnyːːPwolfː
Plantera - VaragtP
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Hi everybody. ːPhelperː

Just a short update to let you know that Plantera is now finally Steam Deck verified! ːPpigː

Also.. yes I am still working on Plantera 2! ːPbunnyː

Add Plantera 2 to your Wishlist to get notified when it is released! ːPhelperːːPpigːːPhenːːPsheepːːPcowːːPdogːːPmagpieːːPfoxːːPbunnyːːPwolfː
Plantera - VaragtP
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Hi everybody. ːPhelperː

Wanted to drop another status update on Plantera 2 since it was a couple of months since the last one! Progress is going good even though I know I have wildly underestimated the time frame! I wrote a post about it in the forums since I get questions about the status of the game:

I am still mostly working on fixing bugs and polish but I did get to implement something fun also that I mentioned in the last update. The bees. The bees will collect nectar from the plants and return to their hive to produce honey.

Just a little bit longer now..!

Add Plantera 2 to your Wishlist to get notified when it is released! ːPhelperːːPpigːːPhenːːPsheepːːPcowːːPdogːːPmagpieːːPfoxːːPbunnyːːPwolfː
Plantera - VaragtP
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Hi everybody. ːPhelperː

Wanted to drop another status update on Plantera 2 since it was a couple of months since the last one! Progress is going good even though I know I have wildly underestimated the time frame! I wrote a post about it in the forums since I get questions about the status of the game:

I am still mostly working on fixing bugs and polish but I did get to implement something fun also that I mentioned in the last update. The bees. The bees will collect nectar from the plants and return to their hive to produce honey.

Just a little bit longer now..!

Add Plantera 2 to your Wishlist to get notified when it is released! ːPhelperːːPpigːːPhenːːPsheepːːPcowːːPdogːːPmagpieːːPfoxːːPbunnyːːPwolfː

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