XCOM: Enemy Unknown

In preparation for our not-too-distant subjugation by skull-faced machine-men, I thought I'd bone up on the latest advances in electro-brain design and stop by this year's GDC AI summit. Kicking off the summit was a trimuvirate of talks about the AI behind PCG-fave XCOM, stabby sequel Assassin's Creed 3 and the super-shiny “space ninjas with machine guns” shooter Warframe.

The talks showed a fascinating variety of uses for AI: XCOM's combat AI was the most immediately familiar, but supremely clever in insinuating the personality of enemy types - a far cry from the use of AI to determine Connor's foot placement in AC3. Warframe, meanwhile, deploys AI as a dungeonmaster, cobbling together levels from pre-built components to fit the needs of its players. It's smart stuff. Perhaps... too smart? Read on to unpick alien plans, parkour and player-centric dungeon design.

Alien nation - making XCOM's enemies distinctive
Firaxis had a problem in updating the classic X-COM (UFO: Enemy Unknown to Brits): how do you balance the game's appeal to modern and nostalgic audiences? Luckily, it seems it was a problem that they managed to solve, in part by way of a complex and hybrid approach to the AI, as described by AI/Gameplay Programmer Alex Chang (pictured right). The challenge was to revive X-COM's classic enemies, whilst keeping their behaviour distinctive and entertaining in the limited action system of the new game.

Chang's team did this by means of a utility-based system – a system that gave a measure of 'usefulness' to every possible action. This means that, at any time in the game, the AI rated each ability for each alien on the basis of its defensive, offensive and 'intangible' benefits. Each race also had its own inherent biases and special abilities which also affected different behaviour; so the Muton's 'Blood Call' ability, which buffs nearby allies, would be heavily weighted to be used, if there were other Mutons nearby and if they weren't already buffed.

Given the limited movement system of XCOM, one of the choices the AI made at a given time was to move or use an ability. Similarly, the units would generate a movement map of the area around them, to see what area gave the maximum utility. In this case, utility was generated by taking into account distance to the location, whether the location flanked an enemy or got the alien closer to flanking an enemy, the cover bonus the location gave, proximity to other aliens (to avoid grenading or rockets), the number of visible enemies (with just one being optimal) and an alien behaviour specific value. If the optimal location was where the alien was already... it stayed where it was and chose to do something else.

Of course, this only really applied to the normal units – the sectoids, thin men, mutons and so on. Fliers had an entire extra range of behaviour choices, and melee enemies were configured to charge pretty much directly at the nearest troops. Fascinatingly, this latter includes mind-controlled troops.

Meanwhile the elite units – the Sectopod and Ethereal – also didn't care about cover, but also didn't care about getting near to the enemy. The Ethereal was programmed to hang back and stay close to its bodyguards; the Sectopod was programmed to get as many enemies into range as possible, given its ability to attack multiple times in a single turn. With these special utility rules, the weighting towards choosing individual abilities, and the differentiated behaviours based on custom weights, the team ended up with about 17 different AI behaviour sets.

Happy feet: starting from scratch with Assassin's Creed's movement
This might not sound like an AI problem to us lay people, but the decisions on where Connor put his feet are hugely more complex than Ezio's lumpen feet – mainly, as far as we could tell, because Ubisoft Montreal is ramping up for the next generation consoles, which will no longer limit the complexity of their simulation. “The challenge was to change everything but change nothing,” said Aleissa Laidacker, Team Lead for AI and Gameplay, Ubisoft Montreal (pictured left). “The fans would have killed us.”

The four movements of the new Assassin's Creed engine were ground navigation, climbing, free-running and tree-running. While they were revamping these, they also revamped the animation system completely, making it totally procedural, as Laidacker demonstrated with sample videos showing Connor's reactions to varying conditions.

The basis for the movement style was the movie Apocalypto, with its wild forest-running. As much of Assassin's Creed 3 takes place in the heavily-wooded frontier, this was an important parallel, but it meant that Connor had to react correctly to the environment, whatever he was doing. This meant running, fighting and assassination animations all had to take place on uneven and even moving surfaces – considering the ships and sails, but also the rocky, bumpy surface of the frontier provinces.

Once the animation and AI team had made it so that Connor's feet could stand properly on uneven ground, Ubisoft Montreal's procedural animation guru, Simon Clavet was called in. His task was to ensure that the animation system could take advantage of this, by predicting where Connor's feet would end up as he was running and ensuring that his legs moved in the correct way. He did this by raycasting possible paths and making sure Connor's feet were ready to step over the highest point, and his pelvis was properly tilted. (This is scarily similar to the procedure the human body does automatically when we're walking.) Added to this, Front Strafing meant that Connor would step from side-to-side as ran; when players started turning, Connor would strafe first, meaning the animation wasn't disturbed if the player then turned him back.

The free-running model was also changed substantially for AC3. Every movement was given new animations, with short jumps chained together and long jumps separated off by 'settle' animations, so the animators could create new variations without having to think about how to integrate them.

Richard Dumas, the Technical lead (pictured right), explained that climbing was revamped by basing Connor's movement on that of professional speed climbers like Dan Osman, who can climb a 400m cliff in 4 minutes. “If he can, an assassin can too,” said Dumas. Connor doesn't settle after every move, like Ezio, but can flow from move to move, along the more organic surfaces of the frontier. Similarly, he doesn't just move up, down and sideways, but can move 360 degrees on the rockface, climbs vertical cracks in a totally different way, and has a dynamic system of how he positions his body, depending on how close to an edge his hands are or whether his feet are resting or dangling. Frankly, this was a crazy amount of work compared to its nearest climbing competitor... QWOP.

Finally, the newest form of movement was tree navigation. The trees came in three types. The unclimbable tree was smooth and branchless. The normal tree had anchors and horizontal branches, and could be climbed slowly. Finally, the V-shaped trees acted as fast elevators, and allowed players to hop up, from V to V, extremely quickly, so they could get back into position for assassinations.

To make it so that Connor (and the other characters and animals) had proper foot placement took the best part of three years work by AC3's AI department, and even now they're limited by the hardware power of the consoles. The movement behaviour was similarly involved. However, we're betting this totally dynamic system, which was under-used by AC3 because of console memory limitations, will make a more impressive reappearance in future editions of AC.

Warframe: AI-designed levels
Digital Extremes' new shooter Warframe may suffer from the GameFace / WarFace / FaceGame associations, but it's out today on Steam and worth checking out. In it, players battle in thirdperson co-opagainst a variety of AI factions, which level and scale in difficulty with the players. Daniel Brewer, the Lead AI Programmer (who we forgot to photograph, left), took us through the development of its procedural levels, which are AI designed from pre-built components each time a level is started, and auto-balanced to ensure that they're always challenging.

When the level is first generated, the game takes pre-built elements and connects a start block to various objective blocks and intermediate blocks, where the majority of the combat takes place, and eventually generates an end block, producing something that can be entirely linear or sprawling. Once the blocks are stitched together, the game works out a navigation mesh through them all and then a combat mesh. Yet, because the team don't know the orientation of the blocks to the player's route through the level and because they don't want players to have the same experience every time, they had to be very careful in the design of the AI that manages the levels and enemies.

The combat mesh – called the tactical area map – shows the areas of potential conflict. It also allows the AI to draw a distance map between the start point and the objectives, so it knows if the players are heading the right way, whether there are AI agents in the way and, if there are, where there are obstacles they can defend or chokepoints to fall back to. As the players move, the game spawns more enemies, with a higher density in in the direction of the objective and in the direction of player movement, acting as a subtle hint to players. Areas the players have left are deactivated gradually, reducing processing power and allowing agents in those areas to be temporarily removed from the unit cap (they reactivate if players head back their way).

Similarly the game paces these spawns by judging how the players are coping with the enemies they're fighting. The game will keep ramping up agent spawns until there's a lot of dead agent and players have taken damage. Once it recognises that the players have been properly tried, it'll slow the spawns down again, giving the players a chance to mop up and then heal up. An area that's peaked like this is exhausted and players can pass safely through it – until it's reset by the game rules (such as the players reaching an objective.)
Assassin’s Creed® III
gdc header

The annual Game Developers Conference is underway in San Francisco. What can we expect? Candid retrospectives? Shock reveals? Will David Cage's Giant Floating Man Face do battle with Nvidia's Giant Floating Man Face above a flaming pit?

We'll be bringing you all the latest from the frontlines and keeping this page updated with all the stories so far.


Your guide to the IGF grand finalists.
CryEngine 3 and Unreal Engine 4 footage eyeballed.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion releasing April 14.
Freeindiegam.es' curators reveal their favourite free games of the last year.
Oculus Rift dev kits will ship with VR-enabled version of Epic's Unreal Development Kit.
Devs pick over the AI tricks behind XCOM, Assassin’s Creed 3 and Warframe.
We've rounded up 18 indie games in 50 words a piece.
The first Battlefield 4 shots emerge ahead of the trailer reveal.
Here's that Battlefield 4 trailer.
Age of Wonders III pre-alpha footage shows a crusade in action.
Magicka: Wizard Wars details emerge.
Tripwire release a Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm trailer.
Nvidia show off some fancy real-time destruction tech.
SOE trail all the dragons, in free-to-play MMO Dragon's Prophet.
Space Hulk: we pop along to see the loyal boardgame remake and chat to the devs.
Spec Ops' writer says violent games are creatively too easy.
Frozen Endzone video interview.
Dean 'Rocket' Hall talks up complexity on the Day Z panel.
Woah! EA big man Frank Gibeau says DRM is a "failed dead-end strategy".
IGF and GDC award winners announced. The excellent Cart Life sweeps a lot of gongs.
Activision join the arms race for old man face with their fancy rendering tech.
Epic and Mozilla join forces to port the Unreal Engine 3 to your browser.
Home creator Benjamin Rivers is considering a psychological dating sim for his next game.
Creative Assembly go MOBA with Total War: Arena.
BioWare thought it would take players three to five months to hit SW:TOR's level cap. It didn't.
Arkane directors espouse player agency and minimal guidance.
Telltale discussed removing Clementine from The Walking Dead. Noooooooooo!
Diablo 3's former lead designer admits the Real-Money Auction House "really hurt the game".


Julian Gollop reveals that the original X-Com was nearly cancelled. Twice.
YouTube announce an API to make it easier for developers to add streaming to their game.

Dead Space (2008)
Origin Player Appreciation Sale

It isn't often we see the words "Origin" and "sale" next to each other, but this week is the exception: EA is running a week-long Player Appreciation Sale which discounts some pretty hefty games in the publisher's lineup—titans such as Mass Effect 3, Crysis 3, and Battlefield 3.

Here's the full list of games on sale and their prices:

Battlefield 3 Premium—$25
Battlefield 3—$12
Battlefield 3 Premium Edition—$30
Crysis 3—$30
Crysis 3 Digital Deluxe Edition—$40
Crysis 3 Digital Deluxe Upgrade—$10
The Sims 3 Seasons—$20
The Sims 3 University Life—$28
The Sims 3 Supernatural—$15
Dead Space—$6
Dead Space 2—$6
Dead Space 3—$30
Resident Evil 5—$10
Mass Effect 3—$10
The Walking Dead—$10
Batman: Arkham City GOTY Edition—$12
FIFA Soccer 13—$20
Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection—$15
Hitman: Absolution—$15
Saints Row: The Third Full Package—$25
Assassin's Creed 3—$35
Assassin's Creed 3 Deluxe Edition—$56
Darksiders 2—$18
Dead Island GOTY Edition—$10
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City—$25

Normal and special editions on sale? And they're big games? I don't want to spoil this rare opportunity to enjoy a good Origin sale with cynicism, but it's hard not to chortle lightly at the convenient devaluing of nearly half the games EA offered SimCity players for free earlier this week.
Assassin’s Creed® III
ac3 the betrayal

Ubisoft won't stop until there's a new Assassin's Creed game, DLC or trailer every minute, as evidenced by last week's simultaneous reveal of AC5, 6, and 7. While we wait for Assassin's Creed 12 sometime tomorrow, today we can play The Betrayal, the second part of The Tyranny of King Washington - the episodic alternate-history saga that imagines what would happen if George Washington went a bit power-mad. This is the episode where Connor 'I wish I was playing AC4 instead' Kenway gains the power to transform into an eagle, because space wizards.

The episode, which can be handily abbreviated as ACIII:TTOKWEP2TB, will set you back £7.99, and will presumably be available on Steam in a few short hours. Here's a trailer:

Assassin’s Creed® III
Assassin's Creed 3 Tyranny of King Washington eagle power

The upcoming second chapter of the Tyranny of King Washington DLC for Assassin's Creed 3, named Betrayal, continues Ratonhnhaké:ton's one-man assault against Washington's forces. It's about as far a departure from the series' adherence to history as you can get—oh, wait, we can also turn into a sparkly eagle. Now it's the farthest we can get.

The trailer shows how useful shapeshifting becomes for a speedy escape or a sudden takedown. Because, hey, if we're already taking liberties with American history, why not similarly chuck the laws of physics right out the window? I just hope I can dethrone the nefarious King by torpedoing right into his face as a bird of prey—"death by shiny animal" has a nice ring to it as a tombstone epithet.

The Tyranny of King Washington's Betrayal chapter flies in March 19.
Assassin's Creed® Revelations
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

I'm probably not alone in thinking pirates deserve more beyond thick accents, Johnny Depp, and one seriously overrated Disneyland ride. After all, they're one-third of geekdom's holy trinity along with zombies and ninjas, and Sid Meier's Pirates is perhaps their best adventure on the PC so far that doesn't dive too far overboard with swashbuckling stereotypes. Ubisoft wants to pull off the same thing in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, a naval-warfare-themed entry in the franchise born out of "clamor from the fans for a pirate game." Speaking to MCV, Lead Content Manager Carsten Myhill says Black Flag's goal is to "redefine piracy in entertainment."

"It’s not easy," he adds. "It takes a very talented team, a lot of experience, and great tech. It’s one thing having good naval combat, but combining that with good boarding and land-based gameplay in a seamless way is hard to do."

Myhill says pulling off piratical personality means "staying away from clichés" and showing the seafaring raiders in a harsher light. "We're avoiding things like walking the plank, parrots on the shoulder, and hooks for hands," he explains. "We're giving pirates the 'HBO reality' treatment. And that allows us to redefine piracy in entertainment. No longer is it for kids."

Black Flag's pirates won't mess around with theatrics, apparently, but they still seem just fine dressing as foppishly as possible. We've got more info on lead character Edward Kenway's assassineering across the tropical seas in our preview.
Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

As revealed earlier this week, Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is a very real thing. Hot on the sails of the popular naval battles from Assassin's Creed 3, Black Flag charts the high-seas adventures of Connor's grand-sire Edward Kenway and his time moonlighting as a member of the assassin order while leading a pirate crew. Ubisoft's latest trove of screenshots shows more glimpses at plunder-prone tropical locales (including a couple concept art sketches), Kenway's totally non-compensating arsenal, and a frozen moment from a full broadside. We've also got more info and shots for all you landlubbers in our preview.

Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition
Assassin's Creed Desmond Miles

The first three Assassin's Creed games are about Desmond Miles. Oh, you don't remember? That's fine. It's easy to forget such a bubbling font of personality, even though we wouldn't have controlled his way cooler ancestors and their Templar-slaying skills if they hadn't sprung from the mind of the world's most vegetative assassin. He's no longer the center of attention in the upcoming Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, but Ubisoft isn't entirely ignoring Mr. Miles in the context of the franchise's meta-arc. In a self-published Q&A (via All Games Beta), Creative Director Jean Guesdon says the character constitutes "a very important legacy" for Black Flag and beyond.

"Desmond has been the main protagonist of the franchise so far," Guesdon explains. "This won’t be the case in Black Flag. That being said, the game isn't a reboot nor is it a spinoff, and we’re continuing to develop a consistent mythology. So yes, Desmond will be referred to as a very important legacy of the Assassin's Creed universe."

Ubisoft promised "more Desmond than you've ever had before" during the development of Assassin's Creed 3, and that game's culminating events wrapped up his saga in a clunky yet more engaging way beyond having him eternally lounge around in the Animus. It'll be interesting to see how the modern-day storyline progresses alongside the virtual assassinating we all know and love going forward.
Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition
Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag

After revealing the sequel's gun-strapped hero on the box art of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, Ubisoft wasted no time in preparing a debut trailer to leap from its towering marketing mast. A countdown ticks away the trailer's launch in three days, but DarkZero switched on its Eagle Vision and found a now-deleted hidden URL displaying a banner proclaiming an October 29 release date for the radically piratical fourth-quel.

Simply adding a "v" to the end of the trailer announcement's web address sent you to the banner, a crazily minute addition that makes me wonder if DarkZero's spot borders on sorcery. Both banner and address no longer exist, of course, having been stabbed in the face by Ubisoft's swift assassin response team.

The October release window lines up with previous autumn launches of an Assassin's Creed game, though PC versions tended to trail behind by a few months because of lingering bugs and...well, just because. Perhaps we'll enjoy this Creed sans delays this time around. In the meantime, check back right here on Monday for our full preview.
PC Gamer

The hero of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (already truncated to AssFlag in office lingo) makes a bid to become the loudest assassin yet in the box art Ubisoft put out today. He is wearing FOUR guns. He's wearing his "hidden" blade on the outside of his sleeve. He has woven a flag with the Assassin order logo on it, and then, because it wasn't piratey enough, plopped a skull in there for good measure. Because that's what you do, isn't it, when you're a pirate? You whack a skull on it.

Assassin's Creed 4 is about pirates, and boats, and islands, and killing bad men. All will be revealed on Monday when details banks burst and information flows through the webways, as hot and saucy as the regurgitated rum of a green sailor's first hurl. Those of us in the office that played Assassin's Creed 3 really enjoyed the sea bits, which bodes well for this latest outing. We'll have preview here for you on Monday, and we've squared away four pages in the next issue of PC Gamer, too. Here be ye box art ye blaggards.


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