Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)

RPS used to be a bunch of foot-to-ball fearties, but times change, and Adam and Graham are on a mission to make sure there’s no one left at the site who doesn’t understand the offside trap. Adam wrote the WIT. Graham made us into regens. They compared notes.

Now the pair have gathered again to discuss their thoughts after a further six months of intensive training. How does the match engine hold up? Has the new tactics system ever felt limiting? How has the mid-season update changed play? All this and more awaits below.>

… [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Graham Smith)

The dots are better at making runs now.

One of the world’s most popular RPGs just added Gibraltar for free! Wow, a whole new landmass to explore. I wonder if it’ll be set during the War of Spanish Succession, allowing keen commanders to invade and cede the territory to the British Empire in perpetuity.

Oh wait it’s the Gibraltarian football league added as part of Football Manager‘s mid-season update… Even better! The patch also contains a “potential fix for odd throw ins”, and a hundred other small tweaks, improvements, and thousands of database updates. … [visit site to read more]

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Graham Smith)

It's a low resolution image I've blown up, but it's no better when small.

Look at this man. Look into his dead eyes and feel your soul begin to curdle. He’s hideous. He has no pores. He’s a person suit. He’s a stocking full of yoghurt. After matches, Football Manager 2014‘s coaches let the air out of him, fold him up and put him back in the cupboard. He’s Emperor Septim’s son, here to tell you that Jauffre’s gone off on another one of his benders.

He cost me 5.5 million.

Come. Let me tell you about the off season. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Adam Smith)

The next version might be hex-based (not really)

As we enter the second part of a marathon conversation with Sports Interactive’s Miles Jacobson, I begin by checking that the half time oranges have done the trick. Once we’re both warmed up and ready to go, talk turns to Football Manager’s place in the wider world of games and Miles’ background in the world of music. When we’re not discussing Jesus Jones and Blur, we’re pondering whether comparing Football Manager to open world games is instructive. Part one is here.>


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Graham Smith)

Logging IP addresses on pirate versions? Cleverley done.

We always approach piracy figures with a healthy skepticism, but this is interesting. Sports Interactive says that Football Manager 2013, the previous iteration of the game, was pirated 10.1 million times. The report they’ve just sent out goes on to break down those figures by country, and estimates the likely lost revenue as a result of illegal downloads.

The best part is that Sports Interactive and Sega are being totally reasonable about it. Speaking at the London Games Conference as reported by MCV, FM producer Miles Jacobsen said that it’s “ridiculous” to equate these numbers with lost sales. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (RPS)


Adam already told you Wot He Thunk about Football Manager 2014, but foot-to-ball is a team sport. For the second half, he’s drafted fellow ball fancier Graham onto the pitch to discuss Sports Interactive’s latest old-guy-in-a-warm-coat simulator. Spoilers: it ends a draw.

Football puns out the way? Read on for the John Barnes rap, the ethics of pigeons, and the Speedball management mod for which we all hunger.>

Graham: Finally a place where we can talk about football without being judged by the others.

Adam: They will be judging us from afar. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Adam Smith)

Football never stops. At this very moment, as you’re reading these words, people are playing football all over the world and every kick of the ball massively matters to someone. Presumably. Perhaps the football is happening too far away for you to see though, or perhaps you’d like to have more control over the actions of the men playing with the football. If that is the case, be thankful that Football Manager 2014 is out this week because it is the best game about managing a football team. Here’s wot I think.>


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Adam Smith)

Have there ever been two foot-to-ball posts on RPS during a single twenty four hour period? I’d go back and search through the archives but I can hear Kenneth Baubles, the ill-fated librarian, dragging his pegleg around back there. Best not to disturb him. Whatever the case, we’re almost back-to-back with balls today. First it was Graham’s turn to give FIFA a good kicking, although he was wearing fluffy slippers at the time so ended up delivering a gentle foot caress. Now I’m stepping up to the spot and staring at Football Manager 2014′s new 3D match engine as it throws shapes between the goalposts in an effort to confuse me. Below, you can see the revamped engine’s first public appearance.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Craig Pearson)

I squish your headI am busy lazy man, so I don’t always have the time to simulate the life of another person and take on that person’s job and> be good at it. I’m basically the person that Football Manager 2014′s classic mode is aimed at: it streamlines the manager’s duties, focusing on tactics and transfers, and not bothering about the consistency of the gravy on the pies or making sure that the wind swirling around the stadium moves in a clockwise direction. Things are going to be a bit more involved in 2014, but it’ll still be a swiftly steered season of soccer, and the video states that it’s possible to enjoy a full season of the game in one evening. How? It has a wizard! (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Craig Pearson)

Soccer Director: Year Of The HorseSee that? I just went for it and told you the release date of Football Manager 2014. No teases. No ‘after the jump’ or ‘on the other side of the ha-ha’. I didn’t even encrypt the data and ask you to hack it. No, it’s above. Why did I do that? It’s because I respect your time, that’s why. Actually, I respect ‘the time’, so when Sega announced the very minute that the game was being released, I was in heaven. If only everyone ran to such specific schedules and nothing ever went wrong, I’d be incredibly happy. There is other information below, so head beneath the bulwark to find out about the beta, the demo, and Steam integration. (more…)


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