Battlezone Strategy Bundle

Mua Battlezone Strategy Bundle BỘ (?)

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Battlezone 98 Redux. One of the greatest sci-fi strategy games of all time returns with remastered visuals, online multiplayer and near unlimited mod content from Steam Workshop. Experience thrilling first person action and acclaimed RTS in this explosive alternate vision of the 1960s space race.

Battlezone: Combat Commander remasters FPS-RTS classic Battlezone II with slick new visuals, brand new achievements, Steam Workshop support and much more! The solar system is at war. Take command.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Battlezone 98 Redux
  Hành động, Chiến thuật
Battlezone: Combat Commander
  Hành động, Chiến thuật
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Mua Battlezone Strategy Bundle BỘ (?)