Sailing in the Air

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Om dette bundt

Sailing Era
Every voyage is a journey of "Sailing & Beyond" in Sailing Era! Navigate your fleet and sail for fun; run a business; have a romantic encounter in the tavern; capture pirates amid intense battle; explore inland for treasure... Experience foreign culture, make novel discoveries, and sail away!

Mini Airways
Mini Airways is a real-time management game where you play the role of an air traffic controller. Clear your aircraft to takeoff & land, direct them to the destination...and most of all don't let them crash!! London, Tokyo, Shanghai... Test your ATC skills in distinctive maps around the globe!

Emner inkluderet i dette bundt

Mini Airways
  Casual, Indie, Simulation, Strategi
风帆纪元 Sailing Era
  Eventyr, Rollespil (RPG), Simulation, Strategi
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