Frog Collection

Mua Frog Collection BỘ (?)


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COLLECT ALL THE FROGS! Kamaeru and Croakoloco are both adorable frog collecting games. If you like one, you'll love them both!

Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge - Foster a sanctuary for frogs and restore the biodiversity of the wetlands in Kamaeru, a cozy frog collecting game, where you take pictures of frogs, play mini-games and decorate your habitat. Hop right to it!

Croakoloco - Croakoloco is a relaxing frog collecting idle game. Watch them jump, croak, and eat delicious flies. Grow frogs, feed frogs, or take control of one in “Froggy Mode” for a more active play style!

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge
  Đơn giản, Giả lập
  Đơn giản, Indie, Giả lập
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Mua Frog Collection BỘ (?)
