Köp Organ-ised Theft SAMLING (?)


Om denna samling

Take this opportunity to grab 2 games at a discounted price!

This bundle includes: Thief Simulator and Autopsy Simulator!

Thief Simulator - Become the best thief. Gather intel, steal things and sell them to buy hi-tech equipment. Do everything that a real thief does.

Autopsy Simulator - Autopsy Simulator is a first-person horror-sim hybrid where players take on the role of a practice pathologist and study case files, created in collaboration with real-world forensic doctors, to help guide their dissection of anatomically accurate bodies to determine each subject’s cause of death.

Artiklar i denna bunt

Thief Simulator
  Action, Äventyr, Indie, Simuleringar
Autopsy Simulator
  Indie, Simuleringar
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Köp Organ-ised Theft SAMLING (?)
