You Suck at KitHacking Bundle

Mua You Suck at KitHacking Bundle BỘ (?)


Về bộ này

This bundle contains:

KitHack Model Club

Developed by the creator of the original Kerbal Space Program and a tiny three-person team, KitHack Model Club is a physics-based model building sandbox that provides limitless freedom for you and friends to design, build, battle, fly (and crash!) your very own RC vehicles.

You Suck At Parking® - Complete Edition

You Suck at Parking® is the only racing game where your goal is to stop and parking your ride is more important than your driving skills. It’s a hot race against the clock as you drift, cruise, and go airborne over 250 frustratingly fun, wild levels.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

KitHack Model Club
  Hành động, Indie, Đua tốc độ, Giả lập, Truy cập sớm
You Suck at Parking® - Complete Edition
  Hành động, Indie, Đua tốc độ, Thể thao
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Mua You Suck at KitHacking Bundle BỘ (?)
