Kinda Brave Bundle

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Về bộ này

The Kinda Brave Bundle is a collection of four indie games from Kinda Brave Entertainment, offering a broad range of experiences for the most demanding players. It includes the cozy adventure with a focus on pro-environmental themes, Distant Bloom; the fast-paced and vibrant hand-drawn Hack and Slash, Go Fight Fantastic!; the avant-garde post-horror with mechanics balancing between 2D and 3D, The Great Below; and the challenging and unforgiving roguelite, 100 Steps.

About Distant Bloom

From a world in ruins to a world in bloom. This serene management game lets you explore an alien planet where things have gone amiss. Harness the power of plants to restore the environment and build a flourishing community with your crewmates.

About Go Fight Fantastic!

Bird Planet is under attack! Team up in co-op (local and online) or fight the invaders solo in this fast-paced, light-hearted and vibrantly hand-drawn hack n’ slash for 1-3 players.

About The Great Below

Immerse yourself in a haunting map-based horror experience, reminiscent of the iconic PS1 era. Navigate between 2D and 3D perspectives to break free from the loop in a mysterious mansion. Solve challenging puzzles to unveil the secrets hidden beneath it all.

About 100 Steps

100 Steps is a roguelike tower crawler in a fantasy boardgame setting. There is only one rule, you have 100 actions to reach the top. Defy the gods' rules, but beware their impending fury!

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Go Fight Fantastic
  Hành động, Phiêu lưu, Indie, Nhập vai (RPG)
Distant Bloom
  Phiêu lưu, Đơn giản, Indie
100 Steps
  Phiêu lưu, Indie, Chiến thuật
The Great Below
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