Mua 国风奇幻之旅:老家奇妙日记+命定奇谭 BỘ (?)

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Includes the following two products: "Oriental Valley" and "Fatermyth"

“Oriental Valley” is a simulation game, with modern new rural construction and eastern characteristics. You coincidentally come to a modern village, build a modern new home, experience modern rural life, understand modern agriculture, meet friends, and live a happy life.

"Fatermyth" is an RPG game that combines tabletop role-playing and adventure. The storylines of seven characters from different eras intertwine, depicting an epic of human heroes. The strategic battles with dice + skills add more challenges to the adventure.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

  Phiêu lưu, Indie, Nhập vai (RPG)
Oriental Valley
  Phiêu lưu, Đơn giản, Indie, Nhập vai (RPG), Giả lập
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Mua 国风奇幻之旅:老家奇妙日记+命定奇谭 BỘ (?)