Call of the Wild: The Angler™ - Silver Fishing Bundle

Mua Call of the Wild: The Angler™ - Silver Fishing Bundle

Về bộ này

Get the Silver Fishing Bundle and gain access to the base game, the Spain Reserve, two distinctive Gear Packs, as well as the stylish T-Shirt Pack!

Call of the Wild: The Angler is an immersive, open world fishing game featuring thrilling fish fights, a wide range of diverse species to find and catch, and unique locations to visit. Explore the great outdoors on your own or with friends and create memories that will last a lifetime.

The Silver Fishing Bundle includes:
• Base Game
• Spain Reserve
• Fiskespro Gear Pack
• Rushy Gear Pack
• T-Shirt Pack

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Call of the Wild: The Angler™
  Phiêu lưu, Đơn giản, Giả lập, Thể thao
Call of the Wild: The Angler™ - Spain Reserve
  Phiêu lưu, Đơn giản, Giả lập, Thể thao
Call of the Wild: The Angler™ - Fiskespro Gear Pack
  Phiêu lưu, Đơn giản, Giả lập, Thể thao
Miễn phí
Call of the Wild: The Angler™ - T-Shirt Pack
  Phiêu lưu, Đơn giản, Giả lập, Thể thao
Call of the Wild: The Angler™ - Rushy Gear Pack
  Phiêu lưu, Đơn giản, Giả lập, Thể thao
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Mua Call of the Wild: The Angler™ - Silver Fishing Bundle