ServiceIT and Split

Acquista ServiceIT and Split PACCHETTO (?)

Informazioni sul pacchetto

Bundle includes:


ServiceIT - You're the owner of a full-service IT solutions company. Diagnose and repair the equipment, solve the problems of your customers and provide technical support. Configure the network, hire and manage your crew. Remember to control your finances. Become the best serviceIT company in the

Split - In the future, giant city-states have emerged, separated from each other by indestructible barriers. Most professions have been taken over by machines. People work mainly as mechanics, programmers or operators.

Articoli inclusi in questo pacchetto

ServiceIT: You can do IT
  Passatempo, Indie, Simulazione, Strategia, Accesso anticipato
Dividi: manipola il tempo, crea cloni e risolvi enigmi informatici del futuro!
  Azione, Avventura, Passatempo, Indie
Prezzo dei singoli prodotti:
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Ecco quanto risparmi comprando questo pacchetto

Acquista ServiceIT and Split PACCHETTO (?)