Milk of Depression

Osta Milk of Depression PAKETTI (?)


Tietoa paketista

《Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk》
A sequel to Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk. Dive into demented and bizarre world once again and help the girl become a little happier.

《Room of Depression》
"Same encounter, different world." Moon is a young woman who lives an ordinary city life as an office worker. However, because she suffers from depression, she reacts and deals with things in a way that is very different from regular city folk.

Myyntipakettiin sisältyvät tuotteet

Room of Depression
  Seikkailu, Rennot, Indie
Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk
  Rennot, Indie
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Osta Milk of Depression PAKETTI (?)
