Traveler Package bundle

Traveler Package bundle 구매 꾸러미 (?)

꾸러미 정보

Any, Every game enjoyable!
이키나게임즈 소속 서클 트래블러의 메트로배니아 픽셀 플랫포머 번들

Super Hamster Ball

A runaway hamster from a pet shop explores the mysterious underworld with other cute and lovely hamsters!
Choose among the hamsters with different abilities and personalities with a strong hamster ball as your taste.
Explore the divergent underworld habitats full of hamster-cute monsters and unique gimmicks.

Galaxy Tales

Rapunzel's hair on live action in the underground shelter!
Wield everything with your hair and strike!

The Ramsey

Ramsey, the strongest squirrel in this universe, fighting climate changes, on board.
Explore 6 islands of the Squirrel District using special weapons, and become the great hero among chipmunks.

이 꾸러미에 포함된 아이템

더 램지
  액션, 어드벤처, 캐주얼, 인디, RPG
갤럭시 테일즈: 스토리 오브 라푼젤
  액션, 어드벤처, 캐주얼, 인디
Super Hamster Ball
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Traveler Package bundle 구매 꾸러미 (?)