Three Minutes To Eight Deluxe Edition

Three Minutes To Eight Deluxe Edition 구매 꾸러미 (?)

꾸러미 정보

Three Minutes To Eight

Set in the near future, Three Minutes To Eight is a mind-bending pixel art adventure game that breaks the mold by introducing an intriguing twist: the protagonist is destined to meet their demise at precisely 07:57 PM. However, hope is not lost. It's up to you to unravel what lies beneath, uncover secret paths, find ways to cheat death, and unlock multiple endings. Each run is distinct, with randomized elements and unique events, urging you to revisit the game multiple times to discover all its hidden mysteries. Find yourself in an ever-evolving gaming experience, mimicking a borderline state of mind that teeters on the edge of consciousness, where everything is possible yet remains elusive.

Three Minutes To Eight Soundtrack

This is the atmospherical ambient soundtrack to the mind-bending pixel art adventure game Three Minutes To Eight. Plug in your headphones or speakers and twist your ears around the 20 brainstorming tracks.

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8시 3분 전
  어드벤처, 인디
Three Minutes to Eight Soundtrack
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Three Minutes To Eight Deluxe Edition 구매 꾸러미 (?)