The Northmost Inn

The Northmost Inn 구매 꾸러미 (?)


이 꾸러미에 대하여

Frozenheim is a serene Norse colony sim with real-time combat and rich settlement management mechanics. Become an earl of a Norsemen clan and write your own saga that will last through generations. Live out your Viking fantasy in Norse folklore-inspired mythical realm!

Crossroads Inn, a real-time management sim, unfolds in Delcrys' unique fantasy realm. Construct and oversee your inn, delight traveling heroes, and achieve renowned status for your services across the kingdom.
Get them both, or complete your collection with a special discount!

이 꾸러미에 포함된 아이템

  시뮬레이션, 전략
Crossroads Inn Anniversary Edition
  어드벤처, 캐주얼, RPG, 시뮬레이션, 전략
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The Northmost Inn 구매 꾸러미 (?)
