A Guidebook of Babel-Deluxe Edition

Köp A Guidebook of Babel-Deluxe Edition


Om denna samling

A Guidebook of Babel - Deluxe Edition includes:
- A Guidebook of Babel Complete Version *1
- DLC:Digital Artbook *1
- DLC:Original Soundtrack *1

A Guidebook of Babel is a plot adventure game with the butterfly effect at the core. After death, you will soon realize you've boarded the Babel. Across four chapters, you'll need to go back in time and subtly rewrite history, trigger the butterfly effect, solve the puzzles hidden in it, and even change the future of Babel!

Artiklar i denna bunt

A Guidebook of Babel
  Äventyr, Indie
A Guidebook Of Babel Artbook
  Äventyr, Indie
A Guidebook of Babel Soundtrack
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