Espresso on Frigato

Mua Espresso on Frigato BỘ (?)

Về bộ này

This bundle includes games:

- Espresso Tycoon
- Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean

Espresso Tycoon

Espresso Tycoon - a coffee shop simulator. Create your brand, decorate the coffee shop, manage your employees, and take care of your customers. Use the 3D coffee editor to create coffee recipes, order supplies, and collect rating points. Build the whole coffee business and complete all the missions!

Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean

Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean is a challenging Real-Time Tactics stealth game set in the intriguing realm of pirates. Take command over a motley crew of sea rogues and beat the British Royal Navy to the Caribbean’s most valuable treasure.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Frigato: Shadows of the Caribbean
  Hành động, Phiêu lưu, Indie, Chiến thuật
Espresso Tycoon
  Giả lập, Chiến thuật
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Mua Espresso on Frigato BỘ (?)