Defense Instinct

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Gods of Defense

Roguelike Tower Defense set on a procedurally generated map.

Every run is new
The God stands at the center of the map on top of a Temple. Enemies spawned from the gates will attack the temple. You will build towers to kill the enemies. After every wave you will push the enemy gate farther into the unknown revealing more of the map.
Deck building
Every few waves you will receive Boon cards from the Goddess of Fortune. These cards will give you new towers or extra perks that boost your defense.While you want to collect as many Boon cards, you want to avoid Curse cards. These are invoked by the Evil through the Corruption mechanic.
Some enemies carry corruption trails that infect the towers on the way. When Corruption exceeds certain limit, the evil will invoke Curses. You must learn to avoid corruption or to mitigate the consequences of Curse cards. This aspect brings a novel variation to a typical tower defense strategy.
Roguelite Progression
When enough enemies have breached the temple, it will fall. Whether you win or loose, you can keep the Faith you've earned during the run. You can use it to unlock new towers and boost their abilities.
Gate Bosses
In each run you will face a number of bosses, once you have pushed the enemy gate far enough. As you reveal the Gate Boss, it will go berserk and spawn a torrent of enemies. Each gate comes with its unique challenge. You can choose to engage immediately or postpone it if your defense is not ready for it.
Resource Management
The gameplay also involves production and management of resources which aid your defense - Gold, Mana, Prayers, Matter. Each feeds into a different strategic device and opens up numerous possibilities. After you've mastered the art of defense, you will learn to build beautiful Monuments. This will exercise your resource management skills.
There are 40 battles to play. Each battle happens on a new map every time you play it. You can replay each battle to earn extra rewards and win Trophies by completing challenges. At any point, you have multiple options to make progress. This eliminates the typical grinding.
Extra fun
GoD also features two fun mini-games. A physics based mini-game lets you earn extra faith by using the surplus resources you collected during the run. A jigsaw puzzle that helps you compose the final vision.


Tower Defense RTS focused on the variety of strategies and maps.

Dynamic Terrain
The map is not static. Enemy can dig through the weak rock and change the map drastically by creating shortcuts. On the other hand, you can drill obstacle tiles to change the map to your advantage too. The dynamic terrain opens new opportunities for interesting strategies.
Distinct towers
Every tower has a unique advantage. Shock can only damage Shield, Laser can only damage health. Gun can damage both. Pyro can damage health, even with shield intact. Area damage towers are effective against dense crowds; while the Gun engages enemies one at a time. In the tight single lanes, use Spike and Glitch traps without blocking the path. You can craft unique strategies to win a given map.
More than just the Towers
Look out for these helpful gadgets. The Train and the Grinder can get rid of a huge chunk of the enemy, if you build the maze to take advantage of it. The Core Mint offers an opportunity for a gameplay where you start with a tight budget, but with careful moves build your energy output gradually towards victory.
Quirky Bosses
Healing Lips that offer Kisses of health to the enemies. A Constipated Eye that spoils towers at random. A Restless hand that can't make up its mind about destroying towers. The Haunted Tree with guardian ghosts. These surreal bosses add a new flavor to the gameplay.
The campaign has a central track that introduces you to different game mechanics one at a time. It branches into 11 missions in which you get to play interesting maps with high crystal count. Crystals are the currency to encode your strategy. The goal of the campaign is to offer a variety of strategies and not to grind you for XP.
Level editor with Workshop support
In addition to the carefully designed campaign, you can make and play your own levels. You can do this in the built-in level editor. It's the same editor that was used to design the campaign levels, so you have access to every game mechanic. It is also integrated with the Steam workshop, so you have access to the community designed maps too.

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Gods Of Defense
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