Shardpunk Digital Deluxe Edition

Køb Shardpunk Digital Deluxe Edition


Om dette bundt

Shardpunk Digital Deluxe Edition is the discounted set consisting of the base game and digital goods for everyone that wants to read, listen and play Shardpunk. This bundle contains:

- Shardpunk - base game including the 2018 tech demo of This is The End that eventually became Shardpunk

- Official Soundtrack - 45 minutes of dark, moody music to clear the Capitol's streets of vermin

- Digital Compendium - 68 pages of Shardpunk art, interview with the game's solo dev, description of hero characters, automatons, enemies, weapons and tips

Emner inkluderet i dette bundt

  Indie, Rollespil (RPG), Simulation, Strategi
Shardpunk - Soundtrack
Shardpunk - Digital Compendium
  Indie, Rollespil (RPG), Simulation, Strategi
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