Trinity Trigger - Extra Episode Set

Mua Trinity Trigger - Extra Episode Set BỘ (?)

Về bộ này

Learn more about Trinity Trigger's main characters in these Extra Episodes.

Contains the following Extra Episode DLC.

Extra Episode: Cyan
Learn more about Cyan's past.

Extra Episode: Elise
Learn how Elise and Lime first met.

Extra Episode: Zantis
Learn about Zantis' friendship with a young boy and how he met Rai.

Extra Episode: Violet
Learn about Violet's fight to the death with a Therion wielding a magic sword, well before she met Cyan.

*The main story quest "The Warrior of Order" must be cleared before playing this DLC. You can check your story progress in the Main Menu by selecting Adventure Log, then Travelogue.
*You can accept "Extra Episode: Cyan" from the NPC Katia in Woodroost.
*You can accept "Extra Episode: Elise" from the NPC Lime in Stahl.
*You can accept "Extra Episode: Zantis" from the NPC Ionia in Stahl.
*You can accept "Extra Episode: Violet" from the NPC Glaive in Stahl.

*After installing DLC, start the game or load a save file from the Main Menu to access it.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Trinity Trigger - Extra Episode: Cyan
  Hành động, Nhập vai (RPG)
Trinity Trigger - Extra Episode: Elise
  Hành động, Nhập vai (RPG)
Trinity Trigger - Extra Episode: Zantis
  Hành động, Nhập vai (RPG)
Trinity Trigger - Extra Episode: Violet
  Hành động, Nhập vai (RPG)
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Mua Trinity Trigger - Extra Episode Set BỘ (?)