Zero Contractors Bundle

Закупуване на Zero Contractors Bundle КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Относно този комплект

More guns than you can count? Check.
Customizable loadouts, crazy skins and attachments? Check.
Single player/co-op campaign, competitive hardcore PvP AND modding? Check.
Two of the most iconic VR shooters in a crazy good bundle?! Check!

Embark on an adrenaline-fueled journey with this exceptional deal, featuring two of the most acclaimed VR military shooters on Steam: Contractors & Zero Caliber! Expect to sink countless hours into both of these titles! ;)


Contractors is a team-based competitive multiplayer shooter game for VR. Experience the next level virtual warfare with hardcore controls, lethal weapons, customizable loadouts, and intense firefights. BECOME AN OPERATOR!


Zero Caliber is a military FPS developed for VR - now better than ever! Play the Single player campaign or fight alongside your friends in Co-op, customize your weapons on-the-fly, use realistic weapon handling and physics to accomplish your mission: saving humanity!


See you on the battlefield, Soldiers! o7

Артикули, включени в този комплект

Zero Caliber VR
Само ВР  Екшъни, Неангажиращи, Независими, Симулатори
Само ВР  Екшъни, Неангажиращи, Независими, Симулатори
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