Git Gud at Blood West with KovaaK's

Mua Git Gud at Blood West with KovaaK's BỘ (?)

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In the dreaded Blood West the ability to land a headshot can be the only thing that keeps you from a gruesome death! Time to practice!

You're making your way through the cursed swamps, taking each step slowly and carefully. There are things here, in the mist, that will rip your head right off with a single blow. You step on a twig, and suddenly you have three ghoulish abominations charging at you. Three quick, precise shots is the only thing that can get you out of this mess. Can you make them? Enter KovaaK's, your personal FPS training partner.

KovaaK's is an aim trainer, trusted by top pros, streamers, and players like you. Upgrade your FPS skills with over 24,000 player-created scenarios, in-game map editor, infinite customization, cloned game physics, sharable playlists. NEW: share your profile and stats on!

Blood West is an immersive stealth FPS horror set in a wicked Wild West. Brought back to life by strange native spirits, you will explore and scavenge, build up your arsenal and gain powerful perks, hunt your enemies quietly or meet them guns blazing. Take back the frontier, gunslinger!

Get them both, or complete your collection with a special discount!

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Blood West
  Hành động, Nhập vai (RPG)
  Hành động, Indie, Giả lập
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Mua Git Gud at Blood West with KovaaK's BỘ (?)