Angels and Demons

Mua Angels and Demons BỘ (?)

Về bộ này

We battle monsters, not to become monsters ourselves. But there are just so many beasts around...

OTHERWAR is an surprising mash-up of Tower Defense & Bullet Hell games. Build and manage fortifications to defend the Gate of Heaven against the Hordes of Hell, while soaring over the battlefields as the defender Angel, and meet the monsters in direct combat!

CROSSBOW: Bloodnight is a frantic score-attack arena shooter set in a world of camp horror and gore. Master the occult powers of your automatic crossbow and fight for every second of survival against a relentless demonic horde! Hunt. Die. Hunt again..

Get them both, or complete your collection with a special discount!

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CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
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Mua Angels and Demons BỘ (?)