Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden MAMA'S COLLECTION SET

Mua Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden MAMA'S COLLECTION SET BỘ (?)

Về bộ này

This set contains 7 different game components that bring to mind a tale of reincarnation in an endless cage.
Changes the designs the of in-game components from Voice of Cards: Beasts of Burden, such as cards and avaters, to be styled after other YOKO TARO titles

Set contents:
・DLC: “Decoration of Those in the Cage”
・DLC: “Handbook Pattern”
・DLC: “Mama Avatar”
・DLC: “Story Collectors' Dice”
・DLC: “The Cage Board”
・DLC: “Aid Table”
・DLC: “Melody of reincarnation”

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden Mama Avatar
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Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden Handbook Pattern
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Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden The Cage Board
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Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden Story Collectors' Dice
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Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden Decoration of Those in the Cage
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Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden Melody of Reincarnation
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Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden Aid Table
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Mua Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden MAMA'S COLLECTION SET BỘ (?)