Pretty Girls Breakout & Panic Bundle Plus

Mua Pretty Girls Breakout & Panic Bundle Plus BỘ (?)

Về bộ này

A bundle of "Pretty Girls Breakout!" and "Pretty Girls Panic!", two of the most action-packed games in the Pretty Girls series!

The bundle includes the "PLUS" versions of the games, a powered-up version of "Pretty Girls Breakout" and "Pretty Girls Panic," so there are more stages to conquer and more characters to play with.

Enjoy the game with cute girls and let the time fly by!

Pretty Girls Breakout & Panic Bundle Plus

Titles included in the bundle:
  • Pretty Girls Breakout!
  • Pretty Girls Breakout! PLUS
  • Pretty Girls Panic!
  • Pretty Girls Panic! PLUS
You are able to get a 30% discount with this bundle.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Pretty Girls Breakout!
  Đơn giản
Pretty Girls Breakout! PLUS
  Hành động, Đơn giản, Thể thao
Pretty Girls Panic!
  Đơn giản
Pretty Girls Panic! PLUS
  Đơn giản
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Mua Pretty Girls Breakout & Panic Bundle Plus BỘ (?)