Game + Soundtrack

Mua Game + Soundtrack

Về bộ này

Apotheorasis • Lab of the Blind Gods & The Official Soundtrack

A first person shooter and a blind protagonist walk into a lab. A lab where newborn gods struggle, hope and despair. To survive, you may have to rely on the ones responsible for this mess. Learn what you are and dream of who you could be.

This bundle includes the Apotheorasis • Lab of the Blind Gods game, and Apotheorasis • Lab of the Blind Gods | Soundtrack (DLC).

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Apotheorasis • Lab of the Blind Gods
  Hành động, Phiêu lưu, Indie
Apotheorasis • Lab of the Blind Gods | Soundtrack
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Mua Game + Soundtrack