Mechanic 8230: Escape from Ilgrot + Soundtracks + Artbook

Köp Mechanic 8230: Escape from Ilgrot + Soundtracks + Artbook


Om denna samling

This is 1 episode of the game, about 2 hours of adventure.

Mechanic 8230: Episode 1 is an adventure game in the point-and-click genre. Help the mechanic find his robot friend RO-2 and together unveil the secrets of the world destroyed by the Cataclysm.

39-page Mechanic 8230 digital art book with design drawings by Katherine Novakovskaya and Igor Tverdokhleb.
Art book files (pdf).

23:27-minute 11 original soundtracks Mechanic 8230 from talented composer and musician Alexander Zhelanov.
Soundtrack files (mp3).

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Mechanic 8230: Escape from Ilgrot
  Äventyr, Fritid, Indie
Mechanic 8230: Escape from Ilgrot - Artbook
  Äventyr, Indie
Mechanic 8230: Escape from Ilgrot - Soundtracks
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Köp Mechanic 8230: Escape from Ilgrot + Soundtracks + Artbook
