A Tale of Paper: Refolded Digital Deluxe Edition

Mua A Tale of Paper: Refolded Digital Deluxe Edition

Về bộ này

A Tale of Paper: Refolded Digital Deluxe Edition includes the following content:

A Tale of Paper: Refolded full game: A puzzle-platformer that tells the story of Line, a magical character made of paper who can use origami to change its shape. Transform into a frog, a rocket, a bird and more as Line embarks on an emotional journey to fulfill the dream of its creator.

A Tale of Paper: Refolded Official Soundtrack: Enjoy the game's atmospheric score. Includes 26 songs taken from the main game (composed by Èric Seró) and prequel chapters (composed by Adrián Berenguer).

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

A Tale of Paper: Refolded
  Phiêu lưu, Indie
A Tale of Paper Soundtrack
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Mua A Tale of Paper: Refolded Digital Deluxe Edition