Reptiles & Split

Reptiles & Split 구매 꾸러미 (?)

꾸러미 정보

Reptiles: In Hunt
Reptiles: In Hunt gives you the opportunity to face dangerous dinosaurs in world that has fallen. It is a mix of survival and action. Hunt, explore, acquire resources, build new weapons and fight with huge reptiles and dangerous Reptilians that destroyed human civilization.

In the future, giant city-states have emerged, separated from each other by indestructible barriers. Most professions have been taken over by machines. People work mainly as mechanics, programmers or operators.

이 꾸러미에 포함된 아이템

분할 - 시간을 조작하고, 클론을 만들고, 미래에서 온 사이버 퍼즐을 푸세요!
  액션, 어드벤처, 캐주얼, 인디
Reptiles: In Hunt
  액션, 어드벤처, 인디, 시뮬레이션
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Reptiles & Split 구매 꾸러미 (?)