Holy chick and Aquarist

Acquista Holy chick and Aquarist PACCHETTO (?)

Informazioni sul pacchetto

Holy Chick!
In a world where bloodthirsty chickens have taken over the planet, it’s hard to keep your cool. You find shelter in a suspicious camper trailer, but angry beaks are pecking at the windows outside. Time is running out. Can you figure out a way out of this predicament?

Aquarist - build aquariums, grow fish, develop your business!
Get the best aquarium store in town! Create, renew, manage, observe. See if you can create an aquarium empire.

Articoli inclusi in questo pacchetto

Aquarist - costruisci acquari, alleva pesci, sviluppa la tua attività!
  Passatempo, Indie, Simulazione
Holy Chick!
Solo VR  Avventura, Accesso anticipato
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Acquista Holy chick and Aquarist PACCHETTO (?)