Trader Prisoner

Закупуване на Trader Prisoner КОМПЛЕКТ (?)

Относно този комплект

Trader Prisoner Bundle includes:

- Prison Simulator
- Car Trader Simulator

Prison Simulator - Get a taste of Prison Life! Become the Prison Guard and deal with dangerous convicts. Prison management, lots of daily activities. Will you become the best Guard in history? Or maybe you'll turn into the worst scumbag this Prison has ever seen?

Car Trader Simulator - Do you know how to profit from trading cars while maintaining a good reputation? Car Trader Simulator lets you play the role of an American car dealer. Your goal is to get rich. How you do it depends entirely on you.

Артикули, включени в този комплект

Prison Simulator
  Екшъни, Приключенски, Неангажиращи, Независими, Ролеви, Симулатори
Car Trader Simulator
  Симулатори, Ранен достъп
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