BankBank's CalcerPuzz Trilogy Bundle

Mua BankBank's CalcerPuzz Trilogy Bundle BỘ (?)

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bankbank spent over 10 years to bring you this bundle of three hot puzzle plays. See how the gameplay styles evolved in this delicate subgenre over the years. Cavesweeper brings you roguelike action in a 5x5 grid of squares. Tess Elated morphs it up by presenting levels made up of many different types of tessellating patterns along with fascinating activatable abilities. And Jubilane seals the trilogy by taking hexagons to the next level with the DiagDagger mechanic, a hot quest featuring Rubelard, and innovative style and flair.

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  Phiêu lưu, Đơn giản, Indie, Chiến thuật
Tess Elated
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Mua BankBank's CalcerPuzz Trilogy Bundle BỘ (?)