The Crow's Eye - Deluxe Edition

Mua The Crow's Eye - Deluxe Edition BỘ (?)

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Welcome to the University of Medicine & Applied Sciences of Crowswood. I’m William Holtwick, and I’m the head and founder of this university. Each and every one of you has been chosen for your aptitude, intelligence, and excellence. Despite your qualities, don’t you dare think this will be a piece of cake. During your time with us here, you will learn that morals are no more than another burden imposed by society to impede us to advance.

Now, are you ready to change your lives? Do you want to stop being miserable and make the right decision? Today is the day you’ll leave faith, ignorance, and prejudice behind - faith isn’t based on logic or experience. Today, you’ll understand why the end justifies the means.

Here at Crowswood, we value the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of human life. We seek to exceed what we believe to be humanly possible. Everyone here has a valuable role to play and our faculty is thrilled to be hands-on in your tests and experiments as we head towards the future. How could anyone not want to be a part of this exciting development?

Sounds fun, doesn’t it? Go on, I’ll be watching.

Grab both the game and soundtrack today!

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

The Crow's Eye
  Phiêu lưu, Indie
The Crow's Eye - Soundtrack
  Phiêu lưu, Indie
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Mua The Crow's Eye - Deluxe Edition BỘ (?)