Fun Infused Classics

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Относно този комплект

Revisit Fun Infused Games' library of Xbox 360 releases now available on Steam.

Abduction Action! Plus *
As a UFO pilot in training, you have been tasked with the overwhelming mission of invading Earth, terrorizing the locals, and returning home in one piece. Use your tractor beam to abduct helpless Earthlings and defeat aggressive foes. It will take all your skills, wits, and intellect to prove your alien worth and triumph over humanity.

Bad Caterpillar *
Bad Caterpillars and their swarms of insect hordes are invading. Get to your ship, man the lasers, and save the galaxy from caterpillars, scorpions, spiders, and a slew of other ill-tempered giant killer insects.

Hypership Out of Control
Space is a dangerous placed for even the most seasoned starship pilot, full of asteroids, multicolored floating blocks, and space mines. It's even more dangerous when you your accelerator is stuck to the floor and your brakes are out.

The world is under siege by evil forces. It is up to you alone or teamed with a partner to save humanity in this fast-pasted, action/platform shooting extravaganza. Do you have what it takes to complete 100 levels of non-stop excitement and prove that good can triumph over evil?

VolChaos *
Volchaos is an ultra-challenging old school platformer. As a nameless explorer, you must navigate through dangerous volcanoes in search of precious gems you can use to pay off your mortgage, bad investments, and alimony. To further complicate matters, the lava is continuously rising and an array of enemies stands in your path. Will you become rich? Heck, you will be lucky to survive.

* Features significant updates for the Steam release over the original game.

Артикули, включени в този комплект

  Екшъни, Приключенски, Независими
Hypership Out of Control
  Екшъни, Неангажиращи, Независими, Състезателни
Abduction Action! Plus
  Екшъни, Неангажиращи, Независими, Симулатори
Bad Caterpillar
  Екшъни, Неангажиращи, Независими
  Екшъни, Независими
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