Pixelart Masterclass

Mua Pixelart Masterclass BỘ (?)

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You love Pixelart? Than these two games should be in your Library for sure! CrossCode and Resolutiion may have both different styles, but their overall approach is quite the way to go: Pixel perfection. Experience two masterpieces you definitely should not miss out!


A retro-inspired 2D Action RPG set in the distant future. CrossCode combines 16-bit SNES-style graphics with butter-smooth physics, a fast-paced combat system, and engaging puzzle mechanics, served with a gripping sci-fi story.


Resolutiion is a fast-paced action-adventure created by two angry German brothers leading a band of vagrants who loaded it with lovely pixels, dirty jokes, deep ideas and badassemotional tunes for 20 hours of punishing combat, rewarding exploration, and layered storytelling. Will you be the player or will you be played? In the Infinite Empire nothing is as it seems.

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  Hành động, Phiêu lưu, Indie, Nhập vai (RPG)
  Hành động, Phiêu lưu, Indie
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Mua Pixelart Masterclass BỘ (?)