Mua GRIP: Combat Racing - DeLorean Edition

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This edition includes the game and the following:

  • DeLorean 2650
  • Original Soundtrack

GRIP is a high octane, hardcore combat racer, packing ferocious speed and armed to the teeth with heavy weapons.

Harnessing gravity defying physics alongside a bristling arsenal of outlandish weapons, GRIP delivers the fastest, most competitive racing experience ever.

Delorean Motor Company, one of the most iconic car manufacturers in the galaxy, injects their flagship vehicle into GRIP. Armed, armoured, flippable and jet fuel injected, it's the most souped up Delorean you will ever see - and pilot.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

GRIP: Combat Racing - Official Soundtrack
  Hành động, Indie, Đua tốc độ
GRIP: Combat Racing
Hỗ trợ VR  Hành động, Indie, Đua tốc độ
GRIP: Combat Racing - DeLorean 2650
  Hành động, Indie, Đua tốc độ
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Mua GRIP: Combat Racing - DeLorean Edition