Apsulov: End of Gods - Deluxe Edition

Придбати Apsulov: End of Gods - Deluxe Edition

Про цей комплект

In this future viking horror you awake in a sanctuary of steel and concrete, built to research and exploit the worlds of Yggdrasil, and to house an artifact, buried in the earth aeons ago.Unveil the secrets of the mythology, the artifacts, and the realms of Yggdrasil in Apsulov: End of Gods.

This deluxe-bundle comes with the art book (Includes lore and tons of cool art) and the soundtrack composed by William Sahl.

Товари, що входять до складу цього комплекту

Apsulov: End of Gods
  Бойовики, Пригоди, Інді
Apsulov: End of Gods - Soundtrack+Art book
  Бойовики, Пригоди, Інді
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Придбати Apsulov: End of Gods - Deluxe Edition