Flump Studios Complete Pack

Mua Flump Studios Complete Pack BỘ (?)

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Includes Super Killer Hornet (also includes original SKH), Pester, Pressured, Horizon Shift and Hyper Bounce blast.

Since 2011 Flump studios have been developing inovative, stylish and fun shooters. This bundle include their entire steam cataloguefrom the slightly weird Super Killer Hornet to the critcally aclaimed Hyper Bounce Blast.

Jump, dodge, flip, bounce, destroy and even calculate your way through the hisory of this tiny Biritish studio.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection
Horizon Shift
  Hành động, Indie
Hyper Bounce Blast
  Hành động, Indie
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Mua Flump Studios Complete Pack BỘ (?)