Arcade Puzzle Bundle from IO Games

Kup Arcade Puzzle Bundle from IO Games

O tym zestawie

Two arcade puzzle games in one bundle at a 25% discount!

Ballista Legend is a spectacular action-puzzler with the ballista in beautiful worlds. 100 spectacular levels are wating for you!

Mahjong: Magic Chips is a sweet board game where you have to destroy all the same tiles as soon as possible!

Produkty zawarte w tym zestawie

Ballista Legend
  Rekreacyjne, Niezależne
Mahjong: Magic Chips
  Rekreacyjne, Niezależne
Cena jednostkowa produktów:
Zniżka zestawu:
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Oto ile zaoszczędzisz, kupując ten zestaw

Kup Arcade Puzzle Bundle from IO Games