Informace o balíčku

* You must first download DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY NT Free Edition or Standard Edition before you can use this content.
* The contents of this set can also be purchased individually.

Allows the following 27 characters to equip their 4th weapons, as listed below.

Warrior of Light: Sun Blade / Diamond Shield
Garland: Zanmato
Firion: Arsenal IV
Emperor: Rod of Censure
Onion Knight: Golden Sword / Omnirod / Kiku-ichimonji
Cloud of Darkness: Destructive Tentacles
Cecil Harvey: Waning Blade / Waxing Blade
Kain Highwind: Lance of Ordeals
Golbez: Obsidian Scales
Bartz Klauser: Arsenal IV
Exdeath: Void Sword
Terra Branford: Zantetsuken
Kefka Palazzo: Thinking Cap
Cloud Strife: Organyx
Sephiroth: Second Coming
Squall Leonhart: Hyperion
Ultimecia: Nightmare
Zidane Tribal: Orichalcum
Kuja: Turbid Cores
Tidus: Arc Sword
Jecht: Sin's Spur
Shantotto: Laevateinn
Vaan: Platinum Sword
Y'shtola: Shire Crook
Noctis Lucius Caelum: Armaments IV
Ramza Beoulve: Excalibur
Ace: Magician's Deck

Položky obsažené v tomto balíčku

DFF NT: Sun Blade / Diamond Shield, Warrior of Light's 4th Weapon Set
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Zanmato, Garland's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Arsenal IV, Firion's 4th Weapon Set
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Rod of Censure, the Emperor's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Golden Sword / Omnirod / Kiku-ichimonji, O. Knight's 4th Weap.
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Destructive Tentacles, Cloud of Darkness's 4th Weapon Set
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Waning Blade / Waxing Blade, Cecil Harvey's 4th Weapon Set
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Lance of Ordeals, Kain Highwind's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Obsidian Scales, Golbez's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Arsenal IV, Bartz Klauser's 4th Weapon Set
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Void Sword, Exdeath's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Zantetsuken, Terra Branford's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Thinking Cap, Kefka Palazzo's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Organyx, Cloud Strife's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Second Coming, Sephiroth's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Hyperion, Squall Leonhart's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Nightmare, Ultimecia's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Orichalcum, Zidane Tribal's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Turbid Cores, Kuja's 4th Weapon Set
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Arc Sword, Tidus's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Sin's Spur, Jecht's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Laevateinn, Shantotto's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Platinum Sword, Vaan's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Shire Crook, Y'shtola's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Armaments IV, Noctis Lucis Caelum's 4th Weapon Set
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Excalibur, Ramza Beoulve's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
DFF NT: Magician's Deck, Ace's 4th Weapon
  Akční, Free to play
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