Kjøp iVRy - Multi Platform Premium Edition PAKKE (?)

Om denne pakken

What is the iVRy Driver for SteamVR (Multi Platform Premium Edition) Bundle?

• It is the FULL version of the iVRy Driver for SteamVR with Mobile Device and PSVR support. This is equivalent to purchasing the Mobile Device "Premium" Edition DLC or in-app purchase in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, and the PSVR "Premium" Edition. If you have purchased the Mobile Device "Premium" Edition via one of these stores, you should not purchase this Bundle.

What is iVRy?

• iVRy is an app for your Mobile Device, with a Virtual Reality headset driver for SteamVR. The Virtual Reality headset driver for SteamVR also includes Sony PSVR headset support.

What does that mean?

• Want to play PC VR* (Virtual Reality) titles without having to buy a dedicated VR headset?
• With iVRy, a compatible iOS or Android Mobile Device and VR headset, or a Sony PSVR headset you can!
• Supports Wired (USB) connections for greater visual quality and performance.
• Supports Wireless (Wifi) connections for greater mobility.
• Supports all PSVR display modes without additional tweaking.
• Automatically adjusts quality to maintain optimal frame rates on all connection types.
• User configurable quality and performance options.
• User configurable vignette options.
• Use your VR headset manufacturer's Cardboard QR code for optimal lens distortion correction and field-of-view.
• Integrates with SteamVR, so no 'manager' / 'server' apps or additional configuration required.
• Includes SteamVR Dashboard overlay, to change driver settings in VR.
• Built-in support for NoloVR 6DOF tracking and motion controllers.
• Compatible with most HTC Vive and Oculus Rift** titles.
• Upgrade to "Premium" edition via Steam DLC to remove the limitations of the "Lite" editions.

* Valve OpenVR/SteamVR. Requires Valve Steam & SteamVR on Windows 7 or later.
** Oculus Rift titles require Valve SteamVR, Oculus Home & 3rd party 'LibreVR Revive' software.

Produkter inkludert i denne pakken

iVRy Driver for SteamVR (PSVR Premium Edition)
iVRy Driver for SteamVR (Mobile Device Premium Edition)
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Kjøp iVRy - Multi Platform Premium Edition PAKKE (?)