Golazo! Soccer League - Purple Tree
This is an amazing week for us, Golazo 2 has a live demo to try out and Golazo is 75% off!!
Don´t miss it!
Jun 12, 2022
DUSK - El Oshcuro
We've been teasing this for awhile but it's finally time to show it off....


Complete remakes of all the weapon and enemy models in DUSK.

Available for FREE and coming SOON™ as part of the Steam Workshop update.

You didn't ask for this?!

Well you're welcome.

Jun 12, 2022
ULTRAKILL - El Oshcuro
Jun 12, 2022
Russpuppy Kid Games - Russpuppy
Two new games have been added: Robot and Fish! Check 'em out!
Kamigami: Clash of the Gods - Reisen
A fun gameplay where the creator of the game will be playing and answering any questions you have about the game! I will explain the rules, the mechanics and what Kamigami brings different to the world of gaming!
Path of Exile - CommunityTeam_GGG
Kirac's Vault Pass features a plethora of awesome microtransactions for specific unique items. Today, we wanted to feature a build by community member Kay that focuses on using Arakaali's Fang. Check it out below!

For more information on the Vault Pass, be sure to check out https://www.pathofexile.com/vault. If you're interested in trying out Kay's build, check out her detailed guide on the forum here, or in video format here.
Golazo! Soccer League - Purple Tree
Golazo 2 demo is now available to try!! WE want your feedback, there is still room for improvement!
ボクロボ ~Boxed Cell Robot Armies~ - Matsu Friends

6/26(日)にインディーゲーム展示・即売会「Indie Games Connect 2022」に出展します!当日はゲームの試遊を行うと共にSteam用のゲームキーを販売いたします。


  • Steam Cloud に対応
  • HPの数値を表示
  • スキル重複時の効果をポップアップに追記
  • 詳細画面を「閉じる」ボタンを誤操作防止のため削除
  • スコアの説明を画面下部に追加
  • クリアデータ未保存で進んだ時に警告追加
  • コアとボディのスキルをより分かりやすいように表示
  • 配置画面で配置済みのロボット同士を入れ替えられるように
  • アナライズに専用のアイコンを追加
  • 戦闘中のスピードをマウスホイールで変更可能に
  • 戦闘中にボクロボの簡易ステータスUIを追加
  • 使用できないオーバークロックをモノクロで表示

  • ボス詳細画面で空のアイコンが表示されるバグ修正
  • キュクノスのテラ召喚タイミングを調整
  • 瀕死時の煙をキャンプ画面へ引き継ぎ
  • オールマスター実績獲得タイミングをクリア後から戦闘後へ修正
  • スピードが速い時の挙動(大体SPD10以上)を修正


ボクロボDIscord 作りました!
Jun 12, 2022
Epica - Z0
Updated to Unreal Engine 5.
Jun 12, 2022
Mondrian - Plastic Reality - lantanadan
Hello everyone! This is another small patch to fix a few bugs and introduce a new twist to Time Attack Mode. Make sure to update your game to the latest version for the best experience!

  • Game: Added a small limiter in Time Attack mode which prevents you from overflowing the timer. When the timer darkens, Gems will not add to the max time, however the timer will brighten back up after 2 seconds on Slow Game Speed, 1 second on Middle, and ⅔ of a second on Fast.
Bug Fixes
  • Studio: Fixed a bug that prevented sliders from moving fast keyboard directions were held down
  • Studio: Fixed Masking setting the background to the wrong colors when Frame or Primary Colors were used for the Negative Color
  • Maker: Fixed tool cursors remaining active when opening the Save, Open, or Play menus
As always, thank you for playing. Enjoy!
- Danny