Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Ollie Toms)

A screenshot made using BSL Shaders, the best Minecraft shaders for 1.16.2, with world curvature enabled.

Good news, everyone! We’ve updated our list of the best Minecraft shaders for 1.16.3 as a result of the newly released Optifine version for 1.16.3, so you can once again find exactly the right Minecraft shaders for you. We run the gamut between highly performant, lightweight shaders and glorious trundling behemoths that require beastly rigs to even contemplate using. But all the below shaders are guaranteed to make your Minecraft world look more fantastic than any resource pack could ever make it.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Tim Stone)

Last week Flare Path’s tour of London Underground’s brown squiggle reached Queen’s Park, the Bakerloo’s equivalent of the Doors of Durin. Today our middle-aged TSW2 tube train plunges into a tenebrous netherworld full of mysterious parietal art, dangerous chasms, and (fingers crossed) tiny brawling rodents. (more…)

Sep 11, 2020
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Tim Stone)

The honeycomb below is a fancy form of wordsearch in which every cell is used, and words can curl and zigzag but never overlap. Each hive foxer has a theme (some previous ones: sheep, mazes, earthquakes, and The 39 Steps). Identifying the theme is a vital part of the defoxing process. Today’s puzzle is made up of 24 answers, three of which are abbreviations. (more…)

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Ollie Toms)

Black Ops Cold War weapons guide

Thanks to the recent Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War closed alpha play session and all the footage and information that followed, we now know quite a bit about many of the weapons that players can use in Cold War. Below we’ll go through every confirmed gun in Black Ops Cold War and everything we know about each one, along with details on some rumoured weapons which may well be added for release.


Sep 11, 2020
Star Renegades - (Brendan Caldwell)

A screenshot from Star Renegades showing a small crew of robots, mech warrior and floaty aliens on one side, squaring up against an enemy team with a sniper and someone on a big pink space motorbike on the right of the screen

There is a lot happening in Star Renegades. For a seemingly small game it throws an absurd amount of idea clay into the RPG kiln. What comes out of that fire is an impressive, if unwieldy, mosaic pot. You can easily spot pieces of other games. Into The Breach’s do-over storytelling, Grandia-esque timeline battles, a whiff of Shadow Of Mordor’s nemeses, and not-quite-Persona levels of relationship management.

But look on the work as a whole and Strenegades glitters in its own way. It’s Octopath Traveller with fewer cares, more self-awareness and angrier automatons. As a member of the turn-based, roguelite family it is far from perfect. But, I tell you what, it’s got moxie.


Warframe - (Imogen Beckhelling)

If you’re finding your PC has become overloaded with gigantic game files, the Warframe devs have a nice plan in store for you to free up some space on your hard drives. Next week, Digital Extremes are kicking off a series of updates for the spacefaring shoot-em-up that will eventually reduce the size of Warframe by a very polite 15GB.

Ah, I don’t even need to say it, do I? We’re all thinking it. If only Call Of Duty: Warzone and its monstrous drive space demands would follow suit.


Ostranauts - (Alice O'Connor)

The crew behind the fantastic Neo Scavenger have returned to the universe of their post-apocalyptic survival game with Ostranauts, a “spiritual sequel” about struggling amongst the cold stars rather than on the ruined Earth. Launched into early access this week, the sci-fi life sim makes us the captain of a spaceship trying to scrape out a living while dealing with the mechanical problems (and many buttons) of our vessel as well as the emotional and physical needs of our crew. You might want to wait for a patch or two first, mind.


Satisfactory - (Ollie Toms)

A screenshot showing a fairly extensive factory starting to grow across the beautiful landscape in Satisfactory


is a factory-building game. Which means that, by its nature, it has been fighting an uphill battle. Why? Because Factorio exists.

And yet you have to congratulate Coffee Stain on what they’ve accomplished against these odds. They’ve put together a surprisingly robust and extremely fun factory-builder in a 3D environment, which in itself is enough to prove wrong my predictions when I first heard about the game. But more than that: they’ve given us a factory-builder where the overwhelming feeling is one of possibility and hope, rather than – in Factorio’s case – bleak and uninviting.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

An aggressive tackle coming in a Roller Champions screenshot.

When Ubisoft announced Roller Champions with great fanfare and a public alpha test at E3 2019 but only a few months later announced a delay and went a bit quiet, I thought it might join the ranks of their many seemingly-dead games. But those forgotten games are on: Gods & Monsters is due in December (even if it has a daft new name), the space game teased in Watch Dogs 2 is out next month, Ubi even swear Skull & Bones is still happening, and now they’ve announced Roller Champions ‘rolly’ (really) will launch in 2021. It’s a bit like roller derby mixed with basketball, or Rollerball without the motorbikes.


Rock, Paper, Shotgun - (Alice O'Connor)

Y’know that X-Files episode where Mulder and Scully wear cybervests and jack into VR to fight a cyberbabe? What if that, but Far Cry 3? I am thrilled to tell that Far Cry VR: Dive Into Insanity is what, a new game coming to a type of VR arcade where you and your pals strap on cybergoggles and cyberarmour and hold cyberguns and run around a room playing together.

