Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Proud to announce that Tales Of Glory is now fully supporting Mixed Reality throught LIV.

Small showcase of the result

Credits to zimzaderk for the content

Find more infos and guides on LIV here : https://liv.tv

Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey all, main game have been updated with the following content.
Demo will follow in the next couple of hours


New steamVR 2.0 controls support with bindings :
This has been tested extensively but if you experience issues, don't hesistate to post a message.
Thanks to this, WMR users will be able to play with sticks too and all oculus buttons are usable. Also, incoming Knuckles are supported.

Liv Mixed reality support :
A dedicated post will follow

Modding :
-Outfits for NPC and Avatar

see the guide here : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1537802389

Weapons Behavior :
- Halfswording position
- all weapons can be thrown at enemies just by releasing grip with force
- You can still power throw Javelin/Axes/Daggers as it used to be
- When you've stabbed an enemy, you can release the weapon in him, just by releasing grip
- You can throw and stick weapon in ground or against a wall/surface
- You can pin an enemy on a wall / on the ground
- You can stab with arrows and bolts
- Improved blocking registration for damages
- You can now pickup enemy limbs and throw them to their friends / hit them with to make them stagger
- Added some bottles to, just for testing, you can throw at enemies maybe i'll add more throwable things in the future

IA :
- Guard formation behavior improved
- Formation orientation now based on hmd and not body direction
- Archers in Firewall now fires 3 flamed arrows each time
- Units in Shield / Spear walls have better defense
- Archers and skirmishers now have limited ammo. Once out of ammo, they unsheat a blade and go melee. The will be considered as infantry then for orders
- Dismounted cavs are now considered as heavies for orders
- New IA for NPC target selection allowing better spreading of units accros the different targets with differential behavior for ranged or melee units

New content :
4 new maps (2 Hold the place - 1 battle - 1 convoy)

Other :
- Lot of bugs corrections
- Improved animation and physics blending on hits
- Stamina consumption have been slightly changed
- Smooth turning speed increased
- Horse position calibration is possible in option menu
- Added oculus buttons for kick and jump
- Some perf & navmesh improvments

and lot of other things

Now i'm fully dedicated to finishing the campaign.


Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey all, nice little beta update with the following content :

- You can now pickup enemy limbs
and throw them to their friends / hit them with to make them stagger

- Added some bottles to, just for testing. in lobby and in the tutorial. no throw sound. No breaking, but you can throw them
maybe i'll add some throwable things in the future

- Archers and skirmishers now have limited ammo. Once out of ammo, they unsheat a blade and go melee. The will be considered as infantry then for orders

- Archers in Firewall now fires 3 flamed arrows each time
so it really increase firewall formation power

- Stamina have been slightly changed

- All weapons can be thrown at enemies just by releasing grip with force
this doesn't change actual throwable weapons way to do it's just an addition
if the angle is right, stabable weapons will stick to walls, objetcs and bodies
they will rebound on enemies shields and weapons
but can kill them if hit the head

- When you've stabbed an enemy, you can release the weapon in him, just by releasing grip also, if doing this against a wall/surfaceyou can pin the enemy to the surface

finally, i've reworked a little animation and physics blending on hits

This beta also include previous modifications on Modding. All units now have separate outfits files so you can customise everything.


Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey all,

Tales Of Glory Beta has been updated with support for SteamVR 2.0.

This means that all controls have been changed to use the new input system from STEAMVR.

WMR users will be able to create bindings to use sticks instead of pad for exemple.

For Oculus users, i'll be able to use the 4 buttons and not 2

Knuckles are also already supported.

Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey all,

This beta includes :

LIV support in test (LIV SDK integrated) for mixed reality.
You can activate the Mixed Reality mode ingame by pressing M on the keyboard.
Avatar body will no be rendered and LIV SDK will be activated

Bug correction on Orders/Commands
Bug correction on Modding support

Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey all,

Beta has been updated.

Modding addition : you will be able to create your own custom textures for :


MODDING GUIDE HERE : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1537802389

I'll give access very soon to all the necessary element and documentation for doing this

Half-Swording : Snew snap point mid blade for 2handers.

Snap mechanic has been reworked to free the second hand rotation.
Tales Of Glory - unityraptor

Hey all,

it's Time for some action ! Record yourself ingame doing the best kill moves and combos and get your name in the game

How-to :

1. Record yourself ingame on whichever map you want (demo and tutorial accepted)
2. Showcase your best skills while killing enemies : you can kick, stab, punch, dismember... in the order you want
3. Post the vid on youtube with "Tales Of Glory - Killmoves contest" in the title

Winners :
I'll make an edit of the best moves and TOG Discord community will choose the 3 best moves

Prize :
The 3 winners will have their name/pseudo on a statue ingame + each will receive a free TOG key

Contest is up until November 1st.

Everyone can participate - You can download the free demo of Tales of Glory here :

Tales Of Glory Discord :


Contestant vids :
Oct 4, 2018
Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey all,

Huge Tales of Glory Update for main game and demo. I've rewritten a big part of the game engine to rely more on physics with a lot of improvments

Thanks to these big changes :
Units are no more stacking up during combat.
Collision between them are more realistic.
Pathfinding have been globally improved.
General feeling is way better.

As of perf : I've gained doing these changes but also lost some so the result is balanced.

Avatar Movement :
Avatar movements also rely on physic and you can't climb things easily.

Jumping : Right controller pad/stick click UP. You need to be moving to jump and the more speed, bigger is the jump
Jumping consumes stamina.

Addition of a new running option :
you can toggle running with pad/stick click , you will keep running until you walk or run out of stamina
you can't run when crouched (for infiltration map purpose)

Combat addition :

Upgraded combat AI for NPCS with parying ability

Throwable daggers : Daggers can be thrown like the Axes but can't be thrown if handled reverse.

Dismembering / head smashing requires a swing and can't be done with a stab move

New stabbing kill move : Just stab an enemy and if you finish him doing so, you'll be able to see your weapon moving in his body. You can also double stab.

New weapon grip system : you can choose between permanent grip(Vive style) or grip button maintained (Oculus style)...
Weapons are now physical. You can throw them in the air to reverse grip

Limited arrows/ bolts quiver : 50 arrows in the quiver.

Pickable Arrows / bolts : You can pickup arrows on dead bodies (or yours) with the trigger button.

Cav grab : You can grab cavs by the arm to make them fall from their horse.

Kick : you can kick enemies to push them back or sometimes make them fall. Kicking consumes stamina (Right Pad/stick down)

Shield combat : You can hurt enemies with the shield or make themfall on the ground / finish them if they are down

Leg hit : You can make enemies fall if hitting them hard in their legs

Avatar Weapons collision : Avatar Weapon/shields or Weapon/Weapon simulated collision.

Ragdoll behavior modification on body hits - no more anims

Collision system reworked to ensure blocked weapons are blocked and can't hit

Cav can now randomly fall from horse but stay attached to the galloping horse when dead

Wound addition : wound decals on npc body on impact

New fire particles because old one were not compatible anymore with unity

New Selection & order system with new orders

Auto : Not changed

Guard : units will move to the selected position without attacking enemies. Once destination is reached, they will attack nearby units.
If no more enemy units in the vicinity, they will go back to the guard point.

Attack : units will move to the selected position without attacking enemies. Once destination is reached, they will switch to Auto.
This allow you to send your units pushing forward. But be aware, they won't defend themselves once the destination is reached.

Follow : Reworked because was not behaving as intended. Now units will stay behind you and if you stop moving, they will engage nearby units.
if you move away again (5 meters thresold), they will stop battle and follow you again without attacking. etc

Hold : Your units will stay idle
Resume : Quit Hold mode and resume previous order
Giving a new order to units in Hold mode will auto resume them.

Shield wall / Pike wall defense : units in shield/pike walls can now attack incoming enemies and defend the wall. if they are moved too far away from the wall, they will automatically move back to their wall position

New group menu (Pressing both trigger buttons to show it) : ability to add units to groups and quick select groups.

New Game Modes :

New ambush convoy game mode
with 2 maps

New Hold the place game mode

New infiltration mission AI
enemies will team up, search area, found dead bodies
you can drag dead bodies to hide them

EDIT : forgot to add the addition of 2 daggers only weapon slots, one on each boot
Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
Hey all,

After more than 30 update, this beta is gonna be released soon...

A huge work has been made on combat , physics and commands


Special thanks to all the ppl on Discord helping me .

Sep 3, 2018
Tales Of Glory - unityraptor
change log for the beta version :

flyings npcs at start corrected
island map pathfinding corrected
protect vip map bug corrected
avatar keeps moving when battle result or dialog pops up corrected
thrown dagger speed increased

addition of a new running option
you can toggle running with pad/stick click , you will keep running until you walk or run out of stamina

you can't run when crouched (for infiltration map purpose)

grabbing system enhanced : if using the toggle system, weapon grabbing is done on grab button press
releasing or mounting is done on release

damage to head and body when stabbing were increased

avatar weapon colliding thresold was increased to prevent unwanted collision
collision sound in lobby was corrected
and haptic feedback was added

noob pit inscription was placed correctly

i've tracked down the invicible knight bug i've made some modification but i'm not sure it's good

that's all for now
